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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Im usually all about halloween. Ive always been really into going all out with Gorey makeup. Im just not feeling it this year. Last year I was a mental patient who jumped out of the hospital window... the year before I was Brittany Spears dead baby who flew through the windshield cuz brittany was driving around with me on her lap :D lmao

  2. DAMN that is pricey!! This better be a good fucking haunted house or I will be taking my aggression out on the guy with a chainsaw... no one will know if me slitting his throat is all apart of the show or not!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!! I love killing people in haunted houses!

  3. A few friends and I will be going down there for the race. We will probably go early and grab a bite and some beverages before hand. Anyone have any suggestions on some good eating/drinking establishments near the Arena?

    dude, tons of stuff around there. Its right on campus. You could do champs. They have decent food and beer, or there is a bdubs right of the road at lane and high. Parking will be easier at the champps!

  4. OK MJ...Tommy's west lane avenue 12pm? I should be done rounding by then and lets pray I don't get any new consults. If all is cool I'll be there! Had a blast with you guys tonight too!

    Ok, I said campus location yesterday... now you are talking about the other tommy's on lane. WTF is going on here. I thought we decided to go to the one closer to high street. They are both on lane. What a cluster :nono:

  5. Are you going because of "Nurses and Purses" aren't you?!!?

    I have no idea what you speak of? LMAO!! I thought about going. Truth be told, Its just easier for me to get downtown vs the east side. At this point I think Im prolly just gonna stay home tonight. I honestly couldnt tell ya the last thursday night I stayed home... Damn. Cant start now!!!

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