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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. Good meeting you at lunch as well!!! Im sure we will do it again soon! :D :D

  2. yea, im gonna prolly make it for tommys. Im NOT fucking sitting by you though! :lol:

  3. Well thank you. You know I heard you were in a pretty interesting video involving some goofy guy dancing on one leg... Who knows what to believe anymore!

  4. umm... thanks for the picture compliment... I think? :dunno:

  5. what you talking about? :confused:

  6. long time no see man! We should get a beer soon or something!! Hope all is well!!

  7. hmmm. Well today I have to meet with some some guy that wants to see my MRI machine, and tomorrow I have a meeting/tour of some new area most of the day... But, sometime next week will work! :D

  8. Thanks Monte!! You and STT ROCK!! :D:banana:

  9. Hmmm... Im not sure what I wanna do. I guess If I camped, your gf could take ya home that night... if she was planning on coming?

  10. Well, I was just talking about this actually. Are you wanting to race both days? If so, do you want to camp sat night? I guess there is gonna be a 10ft screen there we can watch the game on... and I figure we can just take some beers down with us?

    I thought about skipping Sun cuz of the ama nationals at Mid-ohio. One of my favorite races to watch and help out with. Tuff decision

  11. dude, your avatar is still fooking killing me! haha :lol:

  12. Hells yea!! Good work man! Um yea, just try to be at my house before 9 and we can roll out! If you have access to a gps bring it. I broke mine :( but I did print a mapquest

  13. Well, I figure we can get more ladies if we work together... haha. Seriously tho, we could share a tent. I have an air mattress and I think another would fit if you have one. Oh, and I dont have a patient in the morning anymore... so we can leave at like 8 if ya wanna! :D

  14. Shit, sorry man forgot to call. I had my class last night and got side tracked. 614-746-3156 if you wanna call sometime today. Im in a meeting from about 1130-2 but am pretty free besides that. Later hater! :D

  15. questions huh? Im scared! :eek:

  16. Happy Birthday mang!!!

  17. thats a good possibility. I dont think my friend is coming down to visit and im off work at 830 friday morning so I will just meet ya back at my house then. Ill let you know for sure tomorrow

  18. haha. Thanks man! She is pretty awesome

  19. Dooood thats so weird! I was gonna ask if you wanted to do a drain and fill in the morning before we left. No prob man! Come over in the morning whenever... 9 or 10 :dunno: Id like to ride with jordan a few laps... he said earlier afternoon. So if you are at my house by 10 we should be good

  20. Yes sir!! Off all day... :D :D :D :D

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