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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Wow. This is horrible. When I use to live right by that Taco, seriously I could throw a football from my apt and hit the taco hell lot, I heard many shootings. 9th ave has A LOT of drug activity. I know for a fact there were at least 3 houses near me who all dealt druggies. It was so obvious and they were so stupid about it. I was walking my dog one night and there was a shooting. I saw a guy running away... kinda scary.

  2. I saw him 2 weeks ago, hes indeed a good person and BY FAR the best bike tech Ive ever met in my lifetime.

    You obviously have not met many tech in your life time... I kinda know Josh and some things he has done and do not have any respect for him because of said things. Said things had nothing to do with bikes, just him being an asshole

  3. ^^ :lol: Seriously tho, I thought about closing this simply because the guy who started it seems to be a tool. How is someone who none of us know gonna get on here and talk about how he is getting OR on the news ? Total fail. Yes, this is now 5 long pages of FAIL!

  4. he wants mj's nuts max and i were just giving friendlt advise

    Dood, we are cool with it, no biggie. I just figured if you two were coming out together you would of made your own thread and not hijacked the douche's thread who thinks he is getting some news station story on us. Jeez.

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