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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. youve never tried them so why say you wouldn't use them?

    Because the method of lead and sticky shit works just fine. If I tried them and they didnt work, id have to take the wheel off again, break the bead, get the fookers out, then re balance. Im not saying they dont work, im not saying they do work. I will say I do not know if they work. I will also say I do not know if they dont work. :D

  2. I've found with a good straight wheel and the balance dot on the tire properly positioned the tire will balance with no weights quite often.

    If it's out of balance, however, I think it should be balanced. It will effect tire life, cause vibrations, etc.

    I certainly think it's important. To have a properly balanced wheel.


    I have balanced tires where it donest need weight, but you still need to make sure it doesnt need weight...

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