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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Lunch was great! It was nice to see some people I havent seen in awhile. That salad had a ton of meat on it! :eek:

    I think I speak for all in attendance when I say thank you mj for the idea, and thanks for the cheezy garlic bread. MmmMmmmmm

  2. yota's advice, look for the young people... good stuff. I'm gonna try to make it, but my friend is in from houston, so I may have to skip the festivities after.

    You dont have to make excuses. Its cool, no REALLY... it will be ok. :p

  3. I HATE waving, but I always end up doing it. I hate that it was even started. I don't know the fella. In 2004 I waved at this harley guy once and he didn't wave back so I turned around, got next to him and honked my horn and waved again. He didn't do ANYTHING! As I was letting my anger out, I pulled in front of him at 70mph and stood up on my pegs and began slapping my ass in his face. Flipped him off and hit my next exit. :nono: It's mainly cruisers that never wave back to me, but I still always wave back. If I get 2 no waves, then I don't wave for the rest of the day unless the other rider waves first.

    It's a big fucking mess. I say we all stop the shit and just ride.

    Dont worry fellow OR members. Since this tragic event happen that sad day in july of 2004, Nick has since gone through anger management. He no longer slaps his ass in people's face. He has been able to tone it down to a simple flip of the bird! :D

  4. :D credit our short attention spans... if those two posts would have been on the same page, success, but alas, we fail.

    I'm gearing up for being an 'ohio writer' tomorrow - alas.

    What the fuck just happened? Dont do it! Just stop now! :eek::beating:

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