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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. haha. Im actually starting to feel better now. I drank too much beer. Im usually a jack and coke person. Beer makes me feel shittier the next day. I was very close to starting an IV on my self this morning here at work an pushing a bag a saline through right quick. I should of, Id being good to go by now.

  2. Sounds like fun but I'm still a bit intoxicated from last night...

    Good, Im not the only one. I feel like major shit. I almost shit my pants on the ride home too... There was a deer that was trying to be too friendly, lets just say I laid on the front brakes hard enough to raise the rear wheel 2 feet. No jokes!! :eek: I just wish I wasnt such a pussy and could brake that hard on the track. haha. :D

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