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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Brake fluid. :lol: that was a joke people! For those that dont know, Brake fluid will eat through your paint!! :eek:

    there was something I bought at napa and it seemed to work decent. Forget what it was tho. Came in a blue bottle

  2. that has happened to me a few times back in my home town. Usually when they rev their engine and all that jazz ill say lets go and when it turns green i will go full tuck and just stay right by their side the whole time (thats hard work lemme tell ya to try and forcefully go slow...whew!). when we pull up at the next light ill say "man that thing is fast..." very sarcastically and then i blow him away at the next light. :lol:

    Haha, this is one of my favorites. Ive done that many times to many many handas with fart cans. Its a good time! :D

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