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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Yea, it was really bad. I was in Indy and the rain was intense. Worst I ever drove in yesterday. Insane shit that almost makes you wanna pull over. They closed 70 in one part more east of indy, had to take a different route to get to Putnam Park.

  2. Rotts and pitts have nothing incommon. Rotts are a breed that are very respectible dogs. Pitts are junk inbreed over bread retards.........the AKC won't have nothing to do w/ them!! Wonder why.I vote to kill all of them.

    FUUUUCK YOU! What a stupid thing to say. I bet you have done your research and are well educated on the breed :rolleyes: Damn, I bet youre such a bad ass making a comment like that.

  3. well hey i would love to go riding with some of ya. Butt the group that met up @ shell station in polaris to ride to Q.S.. I was really unimpressed with them. couldn't even welcome a new person. me and a friend showed up and everbody just looked at us and turned away. we walked around and nobody said a thing. I hope everybody isn't like that.

    Very Sorry to hear this Dave. Most of us are not like that. Im the friendliest goofiest mofo you will meet. I try to greet everyone, especially when I was meeting up at shell. I havent been there in a while, been busy. Mr Bret is usually always there, im surprised he didnt greet you. Anyway... on to the next point... Just because someone is in the low 20s doesnt mean they are an asshole or irresponsible... Dont be hating on the youngin all you oldies! :lol: As a 22 y/o I bet I have more resonsibility at work than most the people on this website. :D .... but that doesnt mean I like it

  4. Alpinestars makes great stuff. If you really want to be protected then get a 2 piece suit for street only riding. If you ride the track or want to, look into a one piece

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