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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Thats really weird, I could of sworn there was oil dripping off your bike... You want to triple check that before it all goes back together. Thats for damn sure. I can prolly come over somtime this week. Sorry I didnt get back to you friday. I was exhausted. Give me a call when you get some free time this week.

  2. i have a female they are the most loving dogs ever

    You sir are 1million percent correct. I FUCKING HATE these news stories. Everytime a pit bull, or any bully breed really, does anything it makes the news. No wonder people think they are bad dogs. "pit bull pisses on fire hydrant" oh no :eek: but seriously, sometimes im more afraid of the crazy little ankle biters than anything. I swear, some of the little dogs are so aggressive its crazy.


  3. No, see you didnt go up and talk to the DJ and have him announce that you wanted to buy everyone in a bar a shot. Thank you kind sir for buying me shots. They were very good! thanks to all that contributed to Yota's blood alcohol level last night. AllI have to say is you guys are lucky I rode, If I didnt I would have been consuming large quantities of Jager and red bull and you would of had to watch me dance on the stripper pole they had! :D

  4. GsxrNurse evidently ate some bad yogurt or something and farted in Yota's helmet .

    My eyes were watering the whole way to the next bar. haha. Not really :eek:

    Hey i bought the whole bar a shot...... look at my sweet affliction shirt cause i want girls to think im harder than I really am with my tanning and manscaping.... Ohh wait theres only 10 people in the bar but im still sweet and it only cost me 10 dollars.

    That guy didnt realize it, but he bought me 3 shots! :lol: Ha, douche! :D

  5. Haha. I saw that bachelor dood go on stage so I ran over to the dj and told him Nick would also like a beating. I was cracking up!! That was awesome!!! thanks for the hospitality as always Whitey!! Good times. I think Nick also got two other dances, and from what I saw... they were some hotties! :D

  6. No question about it, Id drive one with a 1k or busa motor. that would be a blast. There is only one problem that you ladies are looking past, or maybe you have a solution already... Reverse. I guess you could push it out of parking spots or just pull through. haha

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