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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I was looking into leathers as well but wanted to go two peice so i could wear the jacket on the street. I was looking at the Alpinestars MX-1 jacket and havent decided on pants. Found some nice leather pants at Iron Pony that were labeled for women that fit ok.

    Fag! haha just messing, I actually had to buy womens under armour pants the other day at dicks cuz they were sold out of mens. My ass looks better in them:cool:

  2. If anyone is willing to ride from my area (henderson by the city BBQ) I'm down to ride..... If not I prolly wont show up just for the fact I have never met anyone before and would feel like a jackass drinking at the bar by myself.

    I will meet you at henderson and 315 if you want. I have to come that way anyhow. Is the city BBQ right off the exit? Not familiar with it... Ill shoot you my number, call me and we shall figure out a meeting place.


  3. Happy birthday TOMORROW! If someone goes to The Lodge Bar tomorrow and wins the track day and belongs to this board, I think they should give it to this guy *HINT HINT*

    He won the first one, bastard. hahaha. Happy bday mang!

  4. Like the pizza Yota does... May throw the rain suit on and ride just cuz it is the first event. the 748 is a yellow jacket right now. Half track body work (black) and half stock yellow. ha Im lazy... its scratched and ugly either way. See all you ass hats there!! :banana:

  5. lol good point..im sorry.





    my awesome matching helmet!!


    and might as well... me!


    Cool bike. I have still thought about one for gas mileage purposes. and Iwas just giving ya shit on the picture thing... Figured Id be the first to do it this time. I failed too cuz I forgot the leg humper smile Me...:slap:

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