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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Well, when she realized that I was going to have my revenge, she changed her #. But I can definitely provide you with her home and work address.

    She gets wet like a faucet and likes anal ( Although she acts like she doesn't)...also complete with fake tits.. She rides a Suzuki.

    Wow. Someone is angry..... really tho, DIBS :lol:

  2. I left bike night last week and a dood on a harley pulled up next to me and says in his old crackly harley voice "Hey man, you cold?"

    Furry guy(me) " No man I have a helmet and a jacket on, youre wearing a bandanna, a sleeveless shirt and a leather vest. NO shit youre cold."

    Cool harley guy "Yea, this is what I always wear, follow me."

    Hahah, This guy whats me to follow him. So Im still going the same direction he is, he looks back and sees im still there, and starts giving me all kinds of drunken hand signals like he is Helen Keller or something. I got scared and flew past him. End o story.... continue.

  3. First bike I ever rode was a PW80 at 8 years old.

    I then thought I was a badass so I rode my friends CR125. They had to catch me when I wanted to get off. Ha Ive always been a short little fucker.

    Parents then bought me a yz80. Had a blast on that thing. Got hurt, mommy said bye bye.

    Continued to ride friends bikes untill I was 17. I then bought a kanatuna cuz I wanted a street bike and my buddy was selling his stupid cheap. Rode that for a season and lost my license for 3 years... Good stuff.

    Back to riding friend's bikes without a license for the next three years.

    Found a good deal on a Ducati 748 and bought it 2 years ago. I just recently bought a Ducati 900 Super Sport to race. Its punched to 944 and is currently in pieces at Ducati of Indianapolis gettting the shit built out of it! Should be a fun bike when its finished. Its always going to be ugly tho. haha

  4. But, I'm more curious about what a cop does when you're not wearing the uni and you get challenged to a street race... you should put some hidden red and blues on the VMax, take the guy up through 1st gear and part of 2nd before you let off, then trip the lights after he flys by you trying to catch up. :lol:

    Total dick move, but it's funny 'cause it's not me.

    That would not be funny. :nono:

  5. .. backscatter x-ray machine.

    Please schedule a time with me when you will be able to bring your girlfriend/wife/sister over for me to test it out. If you can bring all three at the same time, the beer is on me.

    Are you drunk?

  6. Hands-On

    A hands-on job is most likely to be your dream career. You're the kind who loves working with your hands. As a kid, we're betting you took apart more than your share of stuff just to see how it worked. (Whether you could get it back together again is another story.) There's just something about creating things out of raw materials, and when your friends need something built or fixed, you're the one they call. Ever think you might end up building cancer eliminating lasers? Or maybe something bigger - like the landing gear for the space shuttle? Whatever it is you end up doing, we'll know we're in good hands.

  7. Well this goes back to when I had braces. First off I had clear braces on the top so I carried a tooth brush to school daily (6th grade) and brushed after lunch. Then my gums in the back of my mouth swelled up over the brackets and wire so getting them clean was very, very hard and painful. Once I got them off, I when to him, dr. stock, for a cleaning. Needless to say, due to the swelling I had some issues in the back of my mouth. They wanted to take pictures of the back of my mouth to show other kids what happened when you don’t brush your teeth.

    Are you fucking kidding me? How are you going to tell an 11 year old who was made fun of for carrying the tooth brush and brushing their teeth at school they didn’t brush? They just assumed. I will never forget that feeling of embarrassment they put me through for a problem I couldn’t control. Again I really, really hate the dentist office!!

    Thats fucked up! You want me to go curb stomp him and tell him Im taking pictures so other dentists see what happens when you embarrass a little girl? I will, just say the word. :lol::D;)

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