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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Oh and Jroot, welcome to the board. I believe you have a Duke...? Nice looking bike. Sounds great, and Id say if you had full leathers on and hung off that thing more.... your knee would have been on the ground! Im gonna check that place out as soon as I get time. I have to work till 6 again today. Then rain wednesday so if all else fails, I'll hit it this weekend.

  2. Wow. This is great, just made my morning. Nicklyninja, you never fail to amaze me. haha. You talk so much shit I just thinks its funny now... oh and by the way, your dog provides great butt secks, and The best part is he still puts it in hihs mouth afterwards! :D

  3. Does it look like the car tapped him? Judging by the movement of the bars it almost seems like the tail of the bike just barely moves around a bit.

    I highly doubt he was hit. His bars moved because he moved them to steer the bike.

  4. Hey jess! I turned you onto this site because of the dino day didnt I. She is a great new rider and She will be better than most of the guys she rides with lol. She went to the track at grattan with us and only had a bike for a week and did dam good!

    Hells yea! Awesome to hear... and like the flat fish said. MID-OHIO :D

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