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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Hoooooly shit. I cant stop watching that. That is so way beyond fucked up. I like how the one kid says somthing like " we are just skatboarding. There are people out on the streets doing drugs and hurting people and you are worried about a few kids riding peices of wood down the street." So true. haha

  2. 124,000 miles

    Auto with 4wd

    Everything looks pretty good inside and out. Has the premium Infinity stereo. I will be able to sell in about 2-3 weeks. The blue is close to $4,000, and here is the link...



    I will start the price at $3,500 and take any reasonable offer. THANKS!

    ** Possible trade for a Truck....















  3. Love the idea of this phone, but the technology is so new. I will be waiting at least a year for this one to get all the bugs out..... This is the same reason why I havent bought the PS3, well that and the fact that I have no money :)

  4. Anyone ever pulled one out? My buddy got his fixed out of state and it just messed up again. It was under warranty so they shipped us a new one. I am wondering how difficult this will be to swap these if we have a lift to work on. I have pulled a number of rear drive trannys out and am thinking it cant be much harder than that.... or is it?? Do we have to pull the tranny out or can we just unbolt the transfer case and shaft/s then swap? I have not been under the Truck yet so I am not sure how it is setup. Thanks for any and all help!!!


  5. Putty, you gotta admit that the car with "Lucky Charms" on the side is pretty cool.

    Pic 4: Cool ass ride.

    I think that is sofaking ugly! I bet the lucky charms leprahcaun is embarrased by that car!!

  6. We will be sure to stop by #19 and say hey....

    My part came in for the Duc's shift problem. I am going over to put everything back together tonight and reset the shifter internals. Hope everything will be good to go for Monday!! See you guys out there!! VERY EXCITED!! :metal:

  7. Wow greg, Im sorry man. That sucks. I hope you get better soon. dont do anything the doc tells you not too. Not worth the risk, you kinda need those organs!! I hope you have a speedy and full recovery. I plan to visit you soon! Later bro!

  8. At least 8 people so far....

    Hello everyone!! Lets really try to push this event! We need as many members as possible to ride up there. Lets roll in with more than our usual pack of 20-30 bikes. We want those people to be like...WTF :wtf:... who is this?? Even if you can only stay for an hour or so, try to fit this into your Sat (6/30). It should be a good time anyway watching all the entertainment. People on cruiser/new riders... This means you too!! We will keep a slow pace, we never have and never will leave anyone behind

    More details to come! Tell your friends... if you have any :lol:

    Im thinking plan to cruise in the AD lot around 11:30. Meet up before at QSL on Polaris at 10:45 and we will leave the QSL lot no later than 11:15.

    Post here if you are down for the ride!!!! :banana:

  9. Some of my favorites are the ones I got of Rob right after he took the shot of 151. He was hating that. He went went to dance and 2 minutes later he came back toward the railing and leaned over it like he was gonna puke. i snapped another thinking I might get an action shot, but... no cookies

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