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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Hello everyone, I just saw this event listed on the myspace thing. Short notice but I'm in.

    Just a couple of noobie questions though.

    I know Iron Pony (I was there yesterday) & I know where the park is so thats all good.

    1) Will it just be a ride in between the10:15 roll out & the 12:00 park meeting?

    2) What kind of pace will the ride be (fast, slow, both, multi groups etc) as I will have the wife on the back & she will be pissed if I get to the park & she's not still on the back?

    3) What, where, who is PPP? I see it is Paskey Party Plantation but that still means nothing to me (sorry PPP). Unless it is the address on E Walnut St.

    I have to work tonight till 8:30am & back in tomorrow at 10pm so I will not be there for the whole day (unless I start to feel sick, cough cough :roll: & cant make it into work)

    1&2) Yep, just a ride at a steady pace. There will be multiple groups so no pressure to ride fast.

    3) Yes, it is the address on E. Walnut.

  2. Have a good one man. :) It's nice to get away from technology once in awhile. Get back to the way life use to be. :cool:

    You cant even get away from technology when youre taking a shit! :lol:

  3. No offense Yota but your guy may know his stuff but you dont have the experience with racing and setting up race suspension to back him up like that.. Im all for supporting good people but when it comes to racing suspension I think someone needs to have the experience to stand up for someone else....

    just my .02

    Realize that I am talking about someone who is actually racing and not just getting their suspension set up for their weight for street riding and the occasional track day. For the average rider, I would definatley say to give your buddy a call.

    Didn't even read this until now. Ha. I think it is funny that you are basically indirectly saying that my dude doesnt know his shit... How the hell would/do you know? :wtf: Matt has more expeirence with racing than anyone on this board, or than anyone you prolly know. TRUE STORY!

    All I have been trying to do is help people out with a good setup. If I thought the guy didnt know what he was doing, I wouldnt recommend him. Oh well. :roll:

  4. Matt Carr you say...I hear that guy is a badass... Well what do you know, thats my doood! Haha. Yea, him and Jason had section 8 going. Matt really knows his shit, hands down. Drew, let me know if you ever need any services :D:banana:

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