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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Its not just the deer, I worry more about road condition that anything; especially this time of the year. All that salt and the plows destroy the roads. Thats the main thing that scares me on highways. Deer are a factor on country roads, yes. But I dont think too much about them on the highways. You gots to keep a heads up for the huge bike eating, widowing holes!! :eek:
  2. Langston Hughes does not agree with us... :dunno:

    April Rain Song

    Let the rain kiss you

    Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops

    Let the rain sing you a lullaby

    The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk

    The rain makes running pools in the gutter

    The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night

    And I love the rain.

    Langston Hughes

  3. I hate rain, especially when it is already raining when youre about to get out of bed. It is so hard for me to get up when I can hear the pouring outside. We need more sunny days! :D

  4. Sorry about splitting off when we got to the Lube. I ended up riding with some people from DESMOHIO.COM Ducati guys. They are good people. I am sending them this way to join the ohioriders crew! :D

    You're a ducati rider trader....!!!!

    Haha. Im busted. :dunno: They have a few good connections for parts and service. They were telling me of a great shop that does mostly racing applications and the dude only charges them $40 a labor hour. That is fucking crazy cheap! Average around here is about $75 an hour.

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