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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Im game fo sho! I have been watching the 10 foreskin and I am thinking Tuesday the 13th would be the best best. The low is 48 and the high is 60. As of now those two are the warmest temps all week.

    http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/4 ... undeclared

    I could most likely call off Tuesday. Anyone else have a particular day in mind?

    You've been watching the 10 foreskin??? WTF????


    Haha, I noticed that too. Yota has a couple questions to answer.........

    Damn. My bad. I meant to say 10 DAY foreskin. :dunno:

  2. Keep us updated on this I was going to start a program in the near future and I had a OMVI a couple of years ago right after they lowered the limit.

    What type of program are you talking about? The ARRT is really strict compared to a lot of others. Are you talking about a program in the medical field? :dunno:

  3. He's steadfast at $450.00 for the complete motor & mounted components. He is still checking for the paper work for the motor. Sorry I couldn't get it any cheaper for you. Let me know what you would like to do one way or the other.



    How many miles are on the motor ?

  4. Dude, I work for Siemens Medical repairing and servicing the Linear Accelerators that do the radiation treatments, so you know the people I work around. I did some asking today, and no one seems to think that having a DUI or OMVI would automatically discount you unless there's a pattern of behavior like that. How long ago was it? Might be a factor, too. Like you said, there is a Board of Trustees that ultimately decides who does and does not get signed off on, but was told that if you know your shit and are on top of your game that they usually only disqualify people that they don't think can handle the responsibility. That's all hearsay, sure, but it's from people who do this for a living, too.

    And, am sure you've already seen this, but if not? ARRT's Rules and Regulations for Qualification, since last August, at least. http://www.arrt.org/about/rulesandregs2005.pdf

    Is there someone you can talk to about your chances if you did do the program?

    Thanks man. I have looked at that. They actually have a pre application you can submit. It is for people in my shoes to see if they are eligible for a license or not. I need to take the time and fill it out. I know they look more for a pattern. When I was pulled over for the omvi I was already under suspension. I didnt have a license when I was pulled over. It is actually still suspended till Jan of 08'. Thanks for the info man. I need to do the pre-app and see that happens.

  5. Sometimes it is hard to get a motorcycle key copied cuz alot of places cant do it. It is stupid to pay the high price at the dealer to get it copied, but they can do it. I tried tons of places, ie lowes, home depot, and other little hardware stores. None of them could do it for a Suzuki. The best place I found that has a crazy amount of keys, and is cheap to get copies, is a Lock Shop on 5th Ave West of 71, but before High Street. It is Caror Zipf's Lock Shop. He is a cool guy, old, but he knows his shit.

    Carl ZIPF Lock Shop Inc

    161 East 5th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201


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