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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. So you read Jim Kramer's book aswell?


    Ha. Yep. He is a Stock God. If you know the story behind him you can understand why. He basically use to be the "bad guy" but now he uses that to his advantage and helps common people trying to make money. You cant believe everything he says, but he is very intelligent about stocks!

  2. Holy crap Yotaman makes me giggle.

    Seriously though... Whoever gets there first should get us a big table and tell the hostess that it is for Ohio Riders, and to point out where we are for everyone. That's probably the easiest way. Or PM me and I'll send you my cell number.

    Psssh. Well thats boring. :lol:

  3. We dont have a hand shake... yet. Our thing is actually a back flip. You prolly remember reading about the importance of being able to do a full back tuck before registering to the site, right? So when you come into the Lizard, bust a simple back tuck, no twist needed for extra effects, and then we will all stand and do a back tuck to follow. This is kind of like our hand shake. We try to keep things more extreme. :cheers:

  4. I have tried a few online trading companies and some suck. I am currently using Tradeking.com They have a decent trade price, I think it is $5 a trade. You can sign up for a free account and you will be able to use all the tools, i.e. tracking and history and the best one, a watchlist. The application take a good 10-15 minutes to fill out, but like I said it is one of the better online stock sites. Once you are signed up, and ready to buy a stock make sure you research the company. You should take the time to reseach for at least an hour ,per company, before investing in anything. It is important to keep doing the research too. Id say at least an hour per week per stock you own. It is very important to know whats going on with it.


    The code for one I ahve been messing around with is FRPT. It a military defense company. Starteed at about $6 a share and has gone up to $21.

  5. Yea they were big. When she walked out on stage last night I was like DAMN! I have never seen her before but I was pretty sure they were implants. She was definately showing them off too, with her choice of dress. When that Ryan guy asked if she had bought anything new lately, her anwser was Shoes! Ha.
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