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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Tell her to meet you half way. lol
  2. Man, that is messed up. Sometimes you get crazy people like that..
  3. Wow..That was bad. I feel bad for that girl.
  4. Ha. I don't think you need to reason. It is simple. Accident = Give info + call the cops.
  5. Well, I know how you feel. If someone hits my car I would probably be a little pissed. But come on..If they don't give up their info, then they are hiding something!
  6. Well from what I read, she wasn't trying to reason with her. She was trying to get out of giving her information because she didn't find it necessary to report it to the cops or insurance. Screw that. Take responsibility for your actions no matter how big or small they are. I find the people who do that have something to hide...
  7. I have always wondered that myself.
  8. Yes you can give em away. Ben, your full of shit. I should sell em to a 3rd world country, but Ben might get jealous. HAHAHA Anyways, they are gone, and I am now happy!
  9. I agree. I have way to many DVD's to ever watch a VHS. They do bring back memories. hahhahahaha And the shotgun idea does sound pretty good. But I just got rid of em all. hahaha
  10. Make it 35 and you have a deal. lol Big a few big boxes. lol
  11. I thought about that..But the problem is, for what I can get for em, I will have to probably pay to ebay for their damn fees.
  12. Alright. The only thing I have left is the CD Stand and Recliner. CD stand - 10 Dollars Recliner - 50 Dollars Hit me up if interested.
  13. Cool. No point in doing ebay for VHS.. lol
  14. I have like 190 Movies that I want to get ride of. Does anyone know of a place that will buy VHS movies?
  15. Hmm..Guess spray didn't save ya this time. lol
  16. So I heard there was a fight there last night. What happened?
  17. Yup...Bored outta my mind...I might go..
  18. TV Stand is gone. Thanks Kevin. Bump yall..I need this stuff gone.
  19. +1. An eye for an eye in this type of situation..
  20. Yea, the bike was less than a year old for me when it was stolen. I will check with them tomorrow. I don't think the dealership will give me any problems..
  21. Damn man. That is some good information. Let me ask you this. I don't have my paperwork cause it is on it's way down to TX, but since it is being sold at the dealership, I should be able to get a copy from the finance department or administration department at the Dealership, right?
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