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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Balian

    Do it.

    Or a DUI in which you get sentanced to meet Buba and become his bitch...I don't care who you are, that will ruin your life! heheehe
  2. Already ahead of ya. Another bottle added with a few other goodies.. hehehe
  3. There ya go Nate. Ya found Mr. Wright. lol
  4. Yup. I cannot even access my damn work e-mail through my portal. It takes like an hr to load anything. I think we have been downgraded to dial up again.
  5. Well, I can talk trash cause I lived there for a bit before I moved to Columbus. I think it really depends on the age of the person and how they view things. IMO I say the city sucks because there is hardly anything to do at night, and if your young all you have is the flats. Gotta spend your money for that. Hell, most of the shops close at like 8pm at night. As far as drivers go, I don't trust any of them up there. You must have caught them on a good day. lol
  6. Yea, I hear that. And yea, ask Jeff, I commented on the music when I called. HAHAHAHA
  7. Yea I hear that. Glad it was a wiring issue. That is the first place I would have started. When we did mine, I was testing it down frank rd. But that was only a 50 shot back then. ROFL
  8. What was the problem? Glad to hear you got it fixed..
  9. Yea, so this hasn't happened since WWII. Interesting. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/10/11/terror/main2082055.shtml
  10. Good service and friendly people. Thanks guys!
  11. Quoted for accuracy.. I have no problem killing someone who is inclined to drive drunk and then hit one of my family memebers.
  12. Well, I might be a little late, but I read today that Korea says that if the US keeps bothering them about their nukes that they will consider that an act of war... This is about to get real interesting. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20061011/D8KMDU280.html
  13. LOL. I told you about it first.. If he doesn't get it, your next..
  14. While cleaning out my apartment and getting ready to move, I came across my extra battery that I bought for my buell. It has been sitting here in the tender and it is fully charged. If you want it, come get it. Free. I need it gone since I don't have a bike and I am moving.
  15. Balian

    CD Stand

    10 Dollars. Stand sits about 4 1/2 feet to 5 feet with adjustable shelves. Come get it. http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/6493/cdstandjl0.jpg
  16. Let me guess. That was Morse Rd, right? lol
  17. I am always down and I am in that range somewhere.
  18. Dude..Come pick up my extra battery..Free.
  19. You know, if it really gets that far, I hope the US rethinks their enlistment requirements. My asthma is not bad enough to stop me from doing anything, and I would love to go to war. Hell, I would even go as far as taking my own gun. lol
  20. Damn, that sucks ass..I feel sorry for the bike...
  21. Well I am running forged internals but not an LS1. And yea, I look forward to seeing you sometime down Walcut or Roberts.. hehehehe
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