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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Awesome.. That shit looks like it would hurt. lol
  2. Yea, I am kinda iffy on this one. After this stuff gets all over the place how do you clean it up? Can you imagine a spider or something inside, triggering the sensors and boom..Instant car full of crap..Would that be considered totalled?
  3. Man, this is why I try and find people who are into cars and want to chill. Mod days are hella fun, especially when you have a garage full of tools you can use. lol
  4. Yea, I wrote that a few mins ago. Technically it is Sunday. hahahaha.. I am not leveving here till later tonight.
  5. No, I am not working today. Hit me up. I am leaving around 5pm to go to dayton, so hit me up before then!
  6. Man, I am not even going to show my record. That would be a whole page in itself..
  7. I work all day Saturday and I am leaving for Dayton on Sunday evening. So, maybe sometime sunday?
  8. Um, I am not new. I registered on 03 and I defy the laws...
  9. Wow, your pretty fucked up..
  10. You can have it for 40, but you gotta come pick it up...That wont fit on my cavy no matter how much nitrous I use. hahahaha
  11. I am moving and need to get rid of it. 50 dollars takes it. No burn marks, never been smoked on, nor had pets on. About one year old, still in good condition. Let me know if you want to come and look at it. I don't have a truck so if you want it, you gotta find a way to get it the hell out. http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2430/reclineras0.jpg
  12. Hmm...I think not.... I do know of a liter bike that cannot win against anything! a BUELL!! hahahaha
  13. Hahaha.. Well, I know what its lilke to have someone steal yor girl, so I will leave her to your soupcan. HEHEHEHHE
  14. OMG. I am so not going to comment. A real man doesn't need to use one of those on a girl! Send her to my place. hahahahah j/k
  15. Hmm..Not to bad.. 2 cars today.. Online, home training FTW!
  16. So the "S" Controller is the smaller one? Right? PM Sent..
  17. Cool. I will hit ya up tomorrow to see if anyone has helped or not..
  18. Um, I am staying away!! lol
  19. hehehehe.. If you cannot get anyone to help ya at all, let me know.
  20. I am glad you copied it. I would repost it as many times as it takes..
  21. Empty house FTW! I didn't do shit today except sit at Starbucks for about 2 and a half hrs.
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