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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Matt, what are you riding out there? I will be out there in the charger.
  2. Wow..Those bikes aren't to bad, but damn the 20K price tag..
  3. No in-depth answer is needed. I thought that was the answer and you guys helped. Thanks yall.
  4. Balian


    Bring on the banhammer..lol
  5. What is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R? From what I have seen, they both do the same thing so wtf is the difference?
  6. Not really..The internet at the place I will be staying sucks really bad. It is almost as good as dialup. The only thing that I can use up there is like AIM..Everything else is very slow!
  7. I figured someone on here would want it..lol
  8. I bought this game about a few days before I found out that I will be in Philly for the next five month. I paid 49.99 for it so I am going to let it go for 40 or the best reasonable offer. Hit me up if interested.. It is brand new in the box and has never been opened
  9. I think I will opt for the something good happening..Run the punk over..
  10. Hell if I know..All I know is I parked it next to my charger outside and when I woke up, there was this car sitting in it's place..I left it locked so it might take em awhile to figure out how to get around that.
  11. People will always need parts...
  12. ROFL..Well not just for the headlights. I like how the whole front of the bike looked. I may know something about cars, but I dont know crap about bikes..lol
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHA...THat made my day a hell of a lot better..
  14. I honestly don't think they know what a Buell is...Come on..Who the hell wants a Buell? The only reason I bought it was because of the damn headlights...I didn't even know it sucked as bad as it did till after I rode it.. Man, I am bummed now..No riding for me today or the rest of the weekend..FUCKER!
  15. Well, knowing my luck, I wont get anything..I couldn't get them to finance me for another bike when I tired to trade in the buell, but now that it might not come back, I might get lucky and get another one..This is some bullshit..I bet they don't even realize that it is a buell..
  16. Plate: 23JTB VIN: 4MZAX14J643425442 CPD is the people to call if you see it.. http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/8422/side12zv.jpg
  17. My Buell XB12R was stolen from me last night at my apartments. If you guys could keep an eye out for me and let me know if you see it anywhere..They are kinda rare as no one really wants to buy a buell..It had the red and black tank protector on it and the plate is 23JTB. Any and all help is appreciated..Thanks.. Pic is in my sig.
  18. Damn straight..I know of a few people with bikes..we can get a big ass group together..lol
  19. Man, I gotta see it in person..Hit me up if you get it..I will have to bring a towel so that I don't drool over it..lol
  20. Yea, that color sounds interesting..I would def have to see it..I am partial to orange..lol
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