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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Did you happen to see a rider?
  2. I don't feel like reading all of these posts, but why don't you look into buying a bike?
  3. +1. Me 2. lol Lets have a hell party..Who's with me?
  4. I have seen that car many times..She lives on Stygler Rd in gahanna..I used to pass it all of the time going home from WOW..
  5. Well, don't feel alone..As much as I like to not admit it, I am def going to be there...
  6. DAMn...Glad I wasn't there..hahahahahaha
  7. Yea, like I said..I doubt that it will ever show up..Infact, this weekend I am going to put up all of my extra parts up on e-bay.
  8. Well in your case you are kinda on the bad side..You gotta do what you gotta do.. If I was in your situation, I would live with your father and pay him rent for the only fact that I am sure he wouldn't try and kick you out if you missed a payment. But then again, I don't know him, nor you so that is a generic family statement. But you gotta do what you gotta do, end of story.
  9. Wow..That sucks..I only know of one other red buell and the guy wears black leathers with a black helmet..Damn..lol
  10. Balian

    New 06 R6

    Yea, they are damn nice. I hear the HP/Torque in them keeps going up each year.
  11. Yea, I have heard that lot prices can be just as much as the mobile home. That is the scary part..Not to mention all of the insurance..lol Don't take this the wrong way, but seeing as I have a background in this, I would stay at home as long as possible, stay in school and then after you get a degree or a really good job, then consider getting a house,condo, or MH. Just a suggestion though.
  12. I will vouch for Rob..He has done work for me and it was top notch..
  13. I will pass the word around..
  14. Damn..Get me that guy's number!!
  15. ROFL..I am paying 80 a month for full coverage of the entire car and all of my modification up to 60K..lol
  16. And for what you were eating, I was surprised that it didn't come out just as quickly..
  17. Damn Matt..You were there? I was there in the charger..rofl
  18. Hey, at 500 dollars a piece, it isn't going to mexico..
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