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Everything posted by Balian

  1. :finger: I have a few tricks of my own..
  2. lol Oh, your not talking about the monte? You want me in the stang? lol
  3. HAHAHA..Bring it on fool..Make sure that bottle isn't hookedup. I wouldn't want you to spin out and hit me..
  4. HAHAHAHAHA..Well, there has got to be someone who doesn't work till later today! I just got off early so I am good..Going to be like this all week..
  5. Anyone feel like riding in an hr?
  6. Sucks for me then..Anyone else?
  7. I have heard from a lot of my friends that have had it that it is not a very good thing to do. Very hard to ride on and if you scrap or bust a line you could damage your car. One of my friends ripped off his entire front bumper when his hose broke.
  8. We def have to ride this weekend because this is going to be one of the very FEW weekends I am going to be able to ride.. Instead of getting laid off, I am going to be working in Philly starting the begging of next week. So I have to get in as much riding as possible this weekend. I don't care what days or with who...Lets go riding!!! I am down for every day that is left of this week..
  9. You'll have that..From what I noticed, most cops don't like bikers..It isn't like we cause trouble..lol
  10. That sucks....Join us in bowling tonight!
  11. Well I just found out today that I wont be laid off till September. The downside to this is that I will be traveling to Philly every week and comming back home for the weekends...So much for riding or doing anything fun..
  12. I would go but I am planing on bowling tonight..lol
  13. Ha..At least I am not in any of the pictures this time..
  14. Hahahah..Wussies..It was nice out this morning..lol
  15. Well I am outta here..time to gas up the buell and head towards polaris..
  16. That sucks...Maybe we can swing by and pick ya up..lol
  17. I still say we enforce some kind of security. Block off all entrances to a parkling lot, leave one open with a few guys standing there letting people in..If they get out of hand, then someone get's their ass kicked and no ricers allowed. It worked back in TX for me, I really don't see why it wouldn't work here.
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