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Everything posted by Balian

  1. I am selling this roll and door kit. If anyone is interested, make a reasonable offer. Everyone knows I am fair. http://img474.imageshack.us/img474/1234/dynamax5hu.jpg
  2. Bring it over..WE can do the plugs, wires, and whatever else you need done.
  3. Yep..Took them well over 2 to 3 months to get it to us. Not to mention the hell I went through to get a garage. You should see the sick amount of money you have to pay in order to break your lease. It is well into the thousands..
  4. Matt, I got the eviction notice 2 weeks after the first...They really hate me and what me out now..lol Lusta, I have a damn good laywer..The fucked up part is that it took us almost a week to get a hold of the apartment's laywers and when we did, they didn't seem to know anything about the case. Orion, I have never missed a payment since I have started renting, when I owned my house I was always 2 months early on my payments. Berto, I tried to cut them a check but they wouldn't take my check because I refused to pay the late fees..I wasn't late on my end, so why the hell should I pay the late fees and court costs..Fuck them, they aren't get that lucky. Dr.Z06, yea, they never cashed my check, and like I said, they wont take any other check. They said they put notices on my doors, but I don't see how. My gf stays home all damn day and they even said that they entered my apartment..I don't see how..There is no way to get in when our locks are on. LJ, I am not paying the late fees, the court costs, and whatelse they say I have to pay. My rent is 499 a month and now they want close to 1000 a month. As far as having the money to pay the rent, I have already put my rent into an Escrow account so that they cannot touch it and they cannot say I haven't paid. I say again, I refuse to pay the late fees cause I have a witness that saw me put my check in the same envelope with my garage check. Funny how they cashed one but not the other. They neither gave me notice of the eviction, late payment due, or anything. No phone call, nothing. There was no notice left in my apartment as I said before, my gf stays home all day. And yea, my lawyer is so all over them for trying to pull this illegal eviction.
  5. Yes, I know this is in the flame room! I hope that their apartments burn to the ground! Anyways, they are trying to evict me for not paying rent because they lost my rent check, but they did manage to cash my garage check which was in the same sealed envelope...I wonder how that happened..lol Anywho, so I go to court today against these assholes and guess what happens..They don't show up.. Do I win? HELL NO..They are granted an continence..My lawyer fights it as best as she could but since they are granted at least one continence the Magistrate allows it..WTF? If I don't show up I am screwed, if they don't show up, they get lucky.. I sure hope no one on here rents from these assholes!
  6. Balian


    She will never learn how to do anything herself, except for spending money!!
  7. Yea, with that kind of license, if he does by some small chance get that R1 his insurance WILL be around 1000 a month. The R1 is rapeing people right now for insurance.
  8. Balian

    Tatto shop??

    Got a name? Do I go in and ask for someone or say a magical word? lol A discount would be good too.
  9. Balian

    Tatto shop??

    Yea def..That is what my gf is for..I cannot spell for crap!
  10. Damn man..If it paid a little better I would take it. To bad I have way to much computer experience. Most companies wont even consider the fact that you work on your own car anymore..
  11. Balian

    Tatto shop??

    Well, a friend and I are looking to get some tattoo's done here soon. Can anyone recommend a good place to get it done. I am afraid of walking into a shop I don't know and getting some kind of disease from their needles..
  12. So um, post up a slip from the tow truck. Recepit showing time, vechile, and company..
  13. Woops..Maybe I am behind the times...I haven't seen ya in a while. lol
  14. what do you need that for? Your car doesn't go anywhere. lol
  15. Man, you gotta hate posers...
  16. It isn't that bad. I was out there yesterday..I wish I could go tonight..
  17. Damn, this is almost worth bringing the bike out for..lol
  18. Man that sucks. This is why I always try and park where no normal human would park. I am still waiting for someone to knock over my bike!
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