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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Can anyone tell me where to find a decent lawyer that would know something about the Ohio land lord laws??
  2. Nope..Haven't had a chance yet.
  3. Hahaha..you have never heard of a buell..
  4. Hold on..I am not talking trash about CSR..I am just saying I am on here more than there..
  5. Whenever, where ever....You can race the world's slowest bike..
  6. I am waiting to take off my lambo doors. It is way to cold to go out and work on em..lol
  7. Nope..Not moving yet..and yea, I will race in the bike..The cavy is kinda unmoveable at the moment..lol
  8. Hmm..That sounds do able..Just let me know when.
  9. How many what do you need?? Please make sense..
  10. I'm Game...Although I wont be there for CSR.
  11. ROFL..I haven't been on there in a long time..I guess it wasn't my lifestyle..lol Oh, that comment was from way last year. I don't even remember the two douchbags that I was even talking about. I haven't seen them post in a long time.
  12. ROFL..I haven't been on there in a long time..I guess it wasn't my lifestyle..lol
  13. So, um, yea...When are you going to come over and put those on my Xbox? lol
  14. Yea, dragon warrior owned all back in the day. I have about 999 roms on a CD for nintendo games. I would like to put them on my xbox though. Haven't figured out how, but then again, I have been searching on a how to yet.
  15. Is anyone doing anything on Monday or Tuesday? I actually have a few days off and I will be in Columbus ready to ride...Let me know.
  16. It was one of those top end cobra radars..
  17. Does anyone have a clue what V band is? For the past three days it has gone off in some really weird spots when there isn't anything around..Anyone got any ideas??
  18. Shoei, is that like your name or something!! ROFL I know you remember that John.. Yea, I have heard some good stuff about those helmets. As for a good bike forum, try http://www.sportsbikes.net
  19. Damn man..You find all of the wierd shit..lol Should have run up on them and unleashed hell..lol
  20. Whatever rental car I get from my company. Right now it is a Nissan Sentra.
  21. I would think it would be fried cause they always seem to be shooting out black smoke. The question is, are they american rice? lol Ever notice how some shops sproute rice??
  22. Nice bike. Anytime you want to ride, let me know.
  23. So tell me..Why the hell do people go through the express lane with 100000000000 items when the sign clearly says 12 items or less. I would think that if you know you got like over 200 dollars in items you sure as hell wouldn't use the express lane. Sometimes I really hate stupid people.
  24. Balian


    Sorry..I don't feel like being spammed so you can get an Ipod. Do what I did and go buy one. They are well worth it.
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