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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Not exactly true.. When these guys get done killing each other with their rockets and super fast stuff, everyone will be dead and my cavy will be the fastest once I bring it out from my bunker..lol
  2. I got caught speeding with my columbus racing sticker on..Lucky for me the cop didn't give me a ticket.. lol
  3. Welcome to Nuclear Winter..Nice knowing you all..
  4. John, you wuss..Put your rain gear on and go riding..rofl
  5. Mark, your more than welcome to meet up and see if they fit.. You have a PM..
  6. HAHAHAHA..Bitch..Get that ricer eagle off your car!
  7. Yea, I used to bowl right handed..Only lasted for 20 games though.
  8. Nope, I don't deal with blastic balls. They are all resin. But don't forget that I am left handed so unless your left handed, your going to need to have them redrilled..
  9. Well I have three bowling balls that I cannot seem to get rid of. No bowling shop will take em cause they don't do trades, but they have no problems if I want to leave them there... Anyways, I have A Quantam Reactive, Storm SG73, and a Nitro Bowling ball. They are all good hooking balls, and if anyone has seen me bowl with them, they know. They have all been drilled twice as I started right hand and now am left hand. 5 dollars each. Contact me if you are interested.. http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/8639/bowlingballs4yo.jpg
  10. Balian

    free gum

    Eh..One more free thing..Takes forever to ship though.
  11. Eh, it looks to me like it was the bike's fault. Sure the car should have seen him comming, but he drifted into the car's lane.
  12. +1 Anyone that knows me knows I was out riding most of this so called winter.. It was a crappy winter. And rain wont stop me.
  13. I have the only cavalier with a 140mph speedo.
  14. Having driven more J-bodys than most cars at ricart's lot, I have never had that problem yet. Not to mention I have a cavy and my gf has a sunfire.
  15. Balian

    Tatto shop??

    Um..Anyone know the address to Bootleg? I know it is on livingston but I don't know where. Ah, nevermind..I found it..Thanks.
  16. Yea, never failed..It is all comon sense. Good luck.
  17. I will believe it when I see it..But if it is true, you will find me out there!
  18. lol, uh, maybe when I get cash.
  19. Man, I haven't done a league since I left TX..That was about 5 years ago. I wish I could join one now, but my current job has me outta state and I don't know when I would be back. Go figure.
  20. Yea, I am waiting for some comp..lol
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