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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Well, I just got out of ITT not to long ago with a degree in Network Admin. I went to school for computer repair, but I haven't gotten my A+ yet..Go figure. Now, scary, I am going back to ITT for Information Security Systems. I cannot believe it is so damn hard to find a job now a days, even with a degree..
  2. YEa, but it is almost worth it just to see your gf's reaction when something like that happens to her..
  3. This is just to damn funny... http://www.davesdaily.com/videoclips/198-priceless.htm
  4. Nice..Anyone know what kind of wheels those are?
  5. Lol.. I just called them and they told me that they don't lease with landloard issues. Thanks anyways though.
  6. Balian

    GT3 Help !!!

    In my opinion, I think GT3 and GT4 are way better than Forza. I have owned both and I wish I didn't sell my PS2. Stupid me.
  7. Woot..I get to call them tomorrow..The apartments refuse to take my rent money..lol
  8. Nope. Tomorrow is suspose to be 44 as a high..
  9. Yea, and this one is a little more gutted..lol
  10. Anyone for a ride tomorrow?
  11. +1 Ever since I moved to Hilliard, I cannot get WOW..Damn I miss them.
  12. Here is a little bit of history on the car for ya since he didn't manage to say it earlier. He owned the exact same car, exact same color with the excpetion of it being a Turbo. That car got sold and then he bought this car. I know, I went with him to go and pick it up. This car is NA. Exact same color, everything..lol I guess he really likes these same cars..lol
  13. Well 270 isn't a track, at least not to CSR..I would shoot for National Trails. It is closer to more people...Well, at least their memebers that show up..
  14. I saw one a while ago that said.. Save the world, kill yourself... Froto failed, Bush has the ring.... I had a Bumper sticker that said... So many pedistrians, so little time..
  15. Thanks for the link. That will def come in handy.
  16. Bout time you post you damn lurker..lol j/k Welcome.
  17. Um..PM me your addy..With all of my traveling, I cannot remember where you live..
  18. Someone give me a place and a time. I will roll both of yall.. As for the doors, I don't think they are generic..They actually use the stock bolts. They are already sold, I just haven't been able to take em off..
  19. I was keeping it on topic..I want to street race...CSR doesn't..lol
  20. Well lets roll and see..Or dig if you prefer..
  21. Fuck that..Lets do streets..I hate runing at tracks..
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