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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Balian


    How the hell do you know if it works if you haven't gotten a free Ipod?
  2. Microshitter is always a good place to catch a few things on sale..
  3. Well considering that they aren't miss matched or a different color, I think they are staying. Not rice, but nice looking.
  4. Yea, that is my point exactly. Their system is good and all, I cannot knock it, but for the price I am sure I can build one with better horsepower. As far as tuner software, there isn't any on the market as I am always looking. But for now, I am going to get away from J-bodys are they lead to nothing but classification with the wrong group..
  5. Do I really? I don't see one..lol
  6. True. But to get the Stage 3 kit, your looking at spending more than 3500 just for the kit alone.I have already inquired on their kits as I have heard they are the best. I just think think spending 3500+ for a turbo kit is a little bit expensive for the HP there.
  7. Yea, I actually have that book. Most of it was written for the 2.0 ecotec which is kinda different then the 2.2 ecotec. I do have a lot of engine mods as of right now, but nothing that will give me big HP.. I am also trying to put my car back to as close to stock as possible. I would rather have this as a daily driver than some beefed up cavy so I can be classified as some punk little kid who is new to cars. Seems like every person who has a cavy is either an ass or thinks their car is the fastest car out there. Time to find some real beef.
  8. Well I finally got rid of my hood..So now I have no more two toned paint on my car. For all those fools who said it looked like shit..lol That is all.
  9. Honestly I don't see this being a good spot as all of the ricers tend to fly around there anyways..Unless there is some kind of security implimented to keep the assholes out..
  10. I knew I should have gone..I ended up riding up to a place with a friend and he wanted to go on the straight roads..Puss..
  11. sorry guys. I am out on this one. I am still not in town.. Mike, you know my number..lol
  12. John, you know I am in..Give me a time and a place!!
  13. Hahaha..Owned..I havn't seen that movie in so long I cannot remember it.
  14. Man, you guys forgot about the sentinels..They own all..Nothing can stop them and their desert eagles, not even Neo.
  15. Balian


    I heard for iron pony you have to take your wheel off.
  16. +1 to the jail thing. I have heard that so many times.
  17. Well if the car flies away then the payment can go with it. I am just having fun with it. lol
  18. Well here I am at it again..I am ricing it out more. Deal with it..lol These are some shitty pics, but then again, I haven't washed the car in a while. http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/1974/lambodoors14hp.jpg http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/5584/lambodoors22zj.jpg
  19. Damn, these guy loook stoned to me... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6028954808&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2F%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26satitle%3D6028954808%26fvi%3D1
  20. I wish I wasn't out of town. I wanted to go riding.
  21. Request sent..Pics should be comming soon..
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