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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. I was hoping to find someone that bought one of the 2gb cards and wanted to sell one of their old cards.
  2. My MP3 player has a micro SD slot. It's a 4 gig player and I only have it about 45% full. I more of less want to use a small card as a dust cover for the slot. And Matt, SD and Micro SD are different. Micro SD is about the size of your pinky fingernail.
  3. I'm lookin for a cheap MicroSD card. I don't need a big card, 128mb or greater would work.
  4. Wow. Worst. Cam. Ever. Just go see it in theaters.
  5. I've had that same amount in the neon for about a week now.
  6. I plan on replacing my Treo 650 here within a week or two. I've got a leather case, silicon case, home and car charger, and some software for it. I also have a nearly new dead Treo and I'm gonna (try) to switch around the cases. It'll look nearly brand new. Edit: I came from a Moto e815. It took a shit too. Kept rebooting and just plain shutting itself off. I've been meaning to stick it in the microwave.
  7. Short answer, NO. The Motorola Q uses Mini SD, which is different from Micro SD. Mini is about twice the size of Micro. You can however use a Micro -> Mini Adaptor and it will work fine. This particular product doesn't include that adaptor. It comes with a Micro -> SD adaptor so you can put it in a card reader or use it in cameras, etc. You need this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820208082 Or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220222
  8. Everyone see the previews before Transformers? There's a preview that starts as a home video of a going away party for a guy named Rob, then there's an earthquake, then an explosion, then the statue of Liberty's head. What movie is this?? The preview looks pretty cool.
  9. Quit bitching and go see the movie.
  10. The Roadhouse tonight.
  11. Product placements aside, I loved the movie. Anyone else chuckle when BumbleBee roughed up the VW Beetle? Since they killed Megatron, I'm betting on Galvatron as the next baddie. Can't have a Galvatron without a Unicron either. [/geek] And one of my favorite parts has to be the psycho Nokia.
  12. I had to work last night. I seriously thought about calling off just to go see this movie.
  13. JaSSon


    What store are you in? I'm needing a new phone. I'd like to split off my parent's share plan.
  14. You need to be more specific on everything. Model of Blackberry? Make/Model of TV? Please make these changes to your original post. Thank you
  15. That guy is fucking insane. Death is in his immediate future.
  16. I Loooove my HP lappy. It's ~1.5 years old, but still doin great. Still holds a nearly full charge. This laptop is (probably) the cheapest lappy HP has ever built, and it has served me great. Anyone had issues with their 2308WM? I can whole heartedly recommend a HP notebook. Being a Gamer yourself I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I will. Get something dual core with discrete graphics. XPS sounds like a good option, i would imagine you could possibly upgrade the graphics down the road. Don't quote me on that. Edit: The XPSs are fuggin EXPENSIVE!
  17. I would be all sorts of fucked. Derek, is NTB interested in doing e-testing IF it does go thru?
  18. Oops. Shoulda started coverage with Progressive FIRST, then cancelled Allstate. I didn't have to pay anything when I switched to all state. $0 down payment. Did you go through an agent or just over the phone? You'll be MUCH better off contacting an agent.
  19. Who does this song? I'm not familiar with it.
  20. Um, you think that looks GOOD??? Lemme know many 7 year olds are in the theater with you.
  21. JaSSon


    I bought my bike from Hinds in June of '05. I've had nothing but good experiences there. Everytime I'm in I get help pretty quickly. I bought a service plan with the bike and they have taken good care of me on that front too.
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