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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. Is this authentic? He called it how he saw it. I'm sure Fox News will have a field day with it.
  2. Got my iPhone today! It came with 3.1 pre-installed. I hope they hurry with the JB for it. Looks like they're making progress with it. And while I'm thinking about it, does anyone's MMS work? AT&T seems to be rolling it out gradually.
  3. That was a really close race. Close RTs, close 60', close ET , and close traps. I'd expect quicker 60' times tho.
  4. Can I call you at 3:15 am just to hear your voice?
  5. JaSSon

    oh shit!

    Disagree. When's the last time a mod motor lost its ignition because of a leaky water pump?
  6. I'm sure the Dev Team peeps will find a way around it.
  7. It's going to be a while if you're waiting on WinMo 7. 6.5 is quite a bit nicer than 6.1 tho.
  8. Any fuel price/MPG tracking software, workout/fitness software, weather, messaging apps, a good documents program, would be nice. Do you have dynolicious?
  9. 40 gigs of apps? Holy hell! I've DL'ed about 3 gigs from news groups. What Must have apps have you got? Mostly what I've been able to find is games, but I'd like some non-game apps.
  10. Yes, please do tell where you're getting all these apps. Which method are you guys using for jail breaking? Redsn0w or purplera1n?
  11. No Vince. Z06>Formula x infinity.
  12. My Kawi does the same thing when I ride past one of those. It just goes nuts and flashes random non-sensical speeds.
  13. I'm sure an extremely well worded letter from a lawyer to both companies would sort the issue out rather quickly.
  14. This one looks like shit. Don't do what he did. http://www.ironhead-bobbers.com/ironhead_1980/1980_Ironhead_Newschool_Extreme_Bobber_in_Ducati_Frame_by_Bill.php
  15. There's already too much noise in most of the pics. Increasing the ISO will only increase the noise. You need to use the flash in this lighting for a moving target.
  16. pretty much echos my thoughts.
  17. Why couldn't something like that happen to me? Sounds like a grand opportunity!
  18. ooooh, now I'm interested in Jail Breaking. Post links to this crap.
  19. JaSSon

    Nikon vs Canon

    FYI, the D40x and D60 are pretty much the same camera, but the D60 has the image sensor cleaning. Both companies make great cameras. It's basically up to personal preference.
  20. Let me ad to this: What is a good free anti-virus program that can be temporarily DISABLED if need be?
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1986-1993-Mustang-5-0-Single-Turbo-Kit-Foxbody-86-93_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem1e57eb5bc8QQitemZ130324061128QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories There's a TBSS in one of those pics.
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