You've lost your touch Kev. I just got back from seeing it, and honestly I'd give it a solid 1.5 stars out of 5.
Summary: Kevin's summary is pretty accurate and sums it up well with out giving away any...spoilers.
Pros: the girls in the movie are very nice to look at. Snake eyes was a bad ass.
Cons: EVERYTHING ELSE. This movie was 70% poorly done CGI, 20% bad acting, 10% bad story line. And I mean it, the CGI is really bad. It matches the acting. Goes way beyond cheesy 1 liners. I won't go into details, but there are several scenes where i found myself pulled out of the movie and saying "That looked horrible." or "They couldn't have done another take?" or "wtf?"
Conclusion: For the love of God, don't see this movie. Vote with your wallet and PASS.