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Everything posted by JaSSon

  1. http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-06-01-voa11.cfm Cliff's notes: Air france flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. Flight disappeared someplace over the Atlantic. 228 people on board. In this age of digital/wireless everything and GPS, how can an airliner DISAPPEAR?
  2. Depends on my motivation after work in the morning. Might make it.
  3. Door handle looks black but appears to be reflecting sky. Pic needs de-shooped.
  4. Brian, I'd really like to come out, but this is my long weekend at work. I'd like to see if the 636 puts down more than 106.7, 106.7, 106.7 with the slip-on and ECU free mod.
  5. JaSSon

    Silly Driver!

    At least it was a replica.
  6. Who needs music. I focus on the weights.
  7. I've got the same speaker. It's a nice piece. Free bump.
  8. Dude. it's coming out on xbox 360 too. Me wants.
  9. Who the hell was that no talent fuck stick? Title was misleading. I was expecting a dog to attack someone.
  10. The guy came and fixed the thing! Thanks Garret and Mark.
  11. Why is there no jack in the box around here?
  12. http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o149/loaded321/Relay1.jpg Pictar! The relay on the left is totally VAPORIZED. There is some charring on some wiring, although that could just be from the relay. There's a nice scorch mark on the cover too. I bet whenever it failed, it did so in a grand fashion. Power is currently off to unit.
  13. Tried to turn the AC on today, didn't work out so well.
  14. ...I've never received roadhead in broad day light. Ballsy!
  15. I don't get it... Why would put forth the time, money, and (your) effort to get it tuned before doing the simple basic mods? For that matter, why not just do it all at the same time? Compared to the cam and springs, everything else should be relatively simple. Seems like a lid is one of the first things F-body owners buy.
  16. I made it to like page 6. OP respond past there?
  17. Who the hell are you? I'm more than mod enough to ban you from my thread.
  18. I still have the factory H-pipe off my old Mustang. Fucker has 4 cats on it. What are these worth now a days?
  19. I can dig it. Whatcha want for them?
  20. It's cool. The Coffee lady upgraded me for free, didn't even have to ask. She wasn't too hard on the eyes either.
  21. Work. I'd like to come out.
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