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Posts posted by AJ

  1. This is true of AC. DC will blast your ass across the room and leave it charred and smoking.



    AFAIK, all hybrids use brushless DC motors. The question of "phase" doesn't apply, as that is specific to AC.


    GM hybrids are 3 phase 300v AC motors. The hybrid controller converts DC to AC for the compressor and the drive motors and 42 volt DC for the power steering.

  2. 42? Why the hell 42?


    its triple the charging system voltage (14 x 3 = 42). it was a system that was designed in the late 90's that they were going to switch all cars to (36v battery 42v charging system) kinda like they did when cars switched from 6v to 12v. thats the way it was explained to me when i had to go to all the hybrid training in detroit for gm. also its considered an intermediate voltage and easier for a normal tech to service with out blowing himself up.

  3. Actually if something is bent in such a manner as it changed the alignment it is possible that it could change driveline angles or shorten the cv shaft enough to cause a vibration at speed. I've seen it on a few cars before.
  4. I had to cut down two ash trees yesterday because of that stupid little bug. What sucks is I have about 13 more as trees that are not long for the world. My neighbor beside me has 5 they we are cutting down today.
  5. this is true for most city water providers. its because they don't want to risk having the well water contaminate the city water with your shitty well water. if you do hook this up and get caught Gabe there are some serious repurcussions i believe.



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