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Everything posted by HotCarl

  1. O RLY?! This is getting interesting. Hoblick keep us posted on the status.
  2. UPS? I have a good friend who works for their DC in Groveport. He seems to like it, decently easy work but hours are kinds wacky. If im not mistaken he's parttime but still gets full benefits. They have so many jobs and shifts available Im sure they have something.
  3. He obviously took advantage of your generosity and personally I think your doing the righ thing by giving him a hard deadline to meet before your take even more drastic measure's. The problem with that is that he obviously doesnt see any value in anything he left there or he would've come back or, like you said, made time to come back and deal with it so what good is it going to do by selling it? It will get back your money (hopefully) but it doesnt seem like your going to get any sort of "payback" at him for selling his junk. You'll probably be helping him out. So it seems, selling his junk may just solve both of your problem's. You get your money, and hopefully a bit more. And he gets to just forget about anything he left there. So, the obvious question is, did he leave ANYTHING of value there? And if so, do you think you can make any money selling it?
  4. So.... what are you doing to it that involved taking the blower off?
  5. damn, i was hoping you'd take the psycho-analytical approach and tell us all what the fuck is wrong with that kid. Favorite line, "But Nick your myspace is tearing this family apart" "so"
  6. I wonder if I can get those rims to fit my 2g?
  7. i dont care what you guys say, I'd do dirty things to Danica. AND SHE WOULD LIKE IT!
  8. Why because the shooter would rather aim for her than him?
  9. Im guessing the liquid gas contained in the Satellite didnt need oxygen to combust?
  10. Ive got to ask the question, the democrats are pretty much beating the republicans in almost every state. Why run a smear campaign when the real election will be held at the democratic national convention? To me, and Im sure to others here. McCain doesnt have a chance in hell of winning the white house, even if he is the republican nominee. EDIT: Im not defending anybody, especially not the media. Just providing a counterpoint.
  11. They were sure to try to discredit that assumption in their intereview with CNN saying that they had air to air missle (aka, air to satellite at 80,000ft) capability and made an example of this in 1989 with the distruction of another satellite from a jet using an A+A missile. So, here's another conspiracy theory. Maybe instead of this satellite having some sort of secret government information on it, maybe its the opposite. Maybe its just an empty, big tin can floating in the sky as target practice? Oh and Ric, Im almost there are nuclear powered satellites. I could honestly care less about what the true meaning behind all of this is. What scares me more is the fact that the media seem's to be accepting everything their spoon fed. What ever happened to people questioning if it was a spy satellite? yeah that story dissappeared.
  12. WOW, you must really need that tv bad. Every corporation has rules and guidlines they abide by for one reason or another. This lady is probably some low level office grunt just doing as she's told. If you say you can pick it up but she cant work out something with you, go higher up the food chain until you find someone who can. She wont make an exception if she thinks she'll get in trouble with management but if you find someone in management who is willing to help the customer over the rules then they will be more willing to help.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/02/20/satellite.shootdown/index.html Ive been reading about this since it was posted on CNN.com and it seems very interesting. But doesnt anyone else think its odd that the governement would be so willing to destroy a multi-billion dollar satellite simply because it MIGHT fall over a populated area and it MIGHT spread its liquid propelent gas over an area roughly the size of two football fields? Earth is, what maybe 80% water and 20% land mass. Of that 20% something crazy like 2% is populated. Take this into account and 2 football fields isnt so bad. Now if there were a nuclear reactor on that satellite, then yeah I can see a problem with that. So really... what are the chances? There's something in/on that satellite that they dont want anyone to know about or they cant fully garantee what ever confidential information contained in that satellite can be contained before someone else gets their hands on it. So... what if we miss?
  14. Manual or Automatic, it doesnt matter that's a kickass deal for such low miles. I would've jumped on it. Did they even make TL's with true manual transmission's? I thought only paddle shifter's come with TL's and the TSX was the only one to come with a manual transmission?
  15. Read the book it will make much more sense. I read it in high school, it wasnt so much that he could've made it out I think it was more ofthe fact that he gave up wanting to. Its a good read.
  16. Funny thing is, I was talking to my mom about who she is thinking about voting for. When asked about Hilary she had an astounding "NO WAY". And to think, my mom is the very person Hilary is trying to go for in her campaign and even my mom simply said, "with everything she put up with when her husband was president she was just as guilty in covering it up as he was. I dont mind voting for a woman president but Hilary just doesnt have the charector to be that first woman president." Interesting huh? I can honestly say while Barrack will be the first black president I dont think america really see's him as a JUST a 'black man', at least I dont anyway. I see him as a well rounded, educated rookie politician who comes off very passionate about his stance on things. But I will be the first to admit I havent read his platform at all but do know that we dissagree on his stance on illegal immigrants.
  17. Im surprised, I thought you would actually like the tin can? I dont think it looks bad, but for 585k I dont want any fucking sponsor stickers on the side of my car. That would piss me off. Then again maybe they just put those on for this video.
  18. Why did i ever buy an import?
  19. "This little old lady looks like mother goose.... OHHHH SHE HIT HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A BIBLE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" I've heard this before but its still fuckin funny.
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