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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I don't know if this helps or hurts your point, but here's a few I shot at Putnam last year. First time out shooting a trackday and quite possibly form one of the worst spots on the track, so think that's as amateur as it gets.
  2. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    That happens around here.
  3. Yup you should never haggle price ever.
  4. He's only partially correct. It isn't that the consumer devalues it, it's that the market sets the price. People are only going to pay what they are willing to pay. For all he knows he can cut his prices in half, but triple his sales.
  5. Exactly just have to stay active. It really sucks though when you do get them because they are slow to heal. After a while you should be able to get past them and just maintain if you keep active on your feet.
  6. They're both hot. Do they actually work at the Polaris one or were they just there for a bikini context or something? Oh and I'm going to have to require them to wrestle in jello before I can decide which is hotter.
  7. I meant more reasonably priced. I'd be happy if I could sell single prints at as low as .99 sometimes.
  8. Yeah if he has the images still I'm not sure why he wouldn't offer them up for sale still even after the fact. Shame too since it looks like he's a pretty good shooter.
  9. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    You say such sweet things.
  10. We'll have to get the Dayton crew together someday and we can shots of everyones bikes.
  11. looks like the local QS&L gathering
  12. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    Morning bitches
  13. Shin splints aren't caused by hard surfaces. Mostly you get them because your using muscles and connective tissues that are being over taxed. So if you aren't a regular runner you'll get them. It's a good way to tell the bullshitters from those that exercise regularly on their feet (running, jumping, sprinting...) I always get them if i take a long time off from workouts (6+ months), but they go away after getting back into the swing of things. There is one other type of shin splint that I know of (but can't remember what it's called) and it can be a serious medical condition requiring surgery even. Most don't have that.
  14. Nice bike...shiatty pictures.
  15. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    ah Speed is gonna get Nick in trouble.
  16. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    Coincidentally I just posted in another thread about wanting a dirt bike.
  17. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    It's official, the numero uno Dayton king post whore has spoken and blessed our newly formed thread.
  18. fusion

    2003 cr 250

    If I had the cash I'd take it looks good. I've been wanting something for the dirt.
  19. fusion

    OR - Dayton

    Please don't clutter this section with another active thread I can't keep track of them all.
  20. I hit Post too quickly...Eva Mendes.
  21. Nope I couldn't find a picture that bad of Eva.
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