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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Nothing direct. Kurt Cobain was like a 2nd cousin on my mom's side. They attend(ed) our larger family reunions in Washington.
  2. Over the years I've known more than a few that work(ed) at the GM plant here that were making 30+ an hour not including things like pensions. About half of those I knew where more concerned about the number of people on the books because it was difficult sometimes to fire a union worker and gaps had to be filled. I also heard a ton of complaints by guys I've known contracting there about only union workers being able to do certain jobs. For example, electrical union workers had to approve and plug in things like desktop computers.
  3. Yah my thought too. That looks about 18 years old.
  4. Here's a link that talks about the claim. Don't remember where I pulled the exact quote from. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2005/oct/07/usa.jamessturcke
  5. You don't like Marisa Miller? Know how I know you're gay?
  6. Well no of course there wasn't a push for any kind of religious indoctrination there. No one would get away with something like that. That doesn't mean that sometimes someones religions beliefs aren't at least part of the reason for doing things like that. He may not have run day to day ops there but he and his certainly had a say in the decision to go in to begin with and we pretty much 'know' for a fact at this point that any real reason to attack Iraq at that point wasn't solid. *adjusts tin foil hat*
  7. You know I would agree normally with this stance, but then you have to wonder when Bush supposedly says stuff like this,"I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did." Then you have to step back and wonder what some people's motives really are for doing things and they just don't say because of their position (at least aren't supposed to say.)
  8. 45 - 50 hours maybe without even a catnap. worst working stretch for me was 18-20 hour days, with a few 30 hour stretches thrown in for about 3 months straight 7 days a week.
  9. They are used in ground fighting quite often. They are mostly effective from this position due to the power generated and looping/arcing motion. In that use they are similar to hooks, but you're also not as concerned about leaving yourself open (to strikes) when you're on top of your opponent. Standing though you are absolutely correct. Traditionally though I think the term just meant knock out punch. I'm not sure how it got tied specifically to the motion we associate with it these days.
  10. ummmmm licking? remind me not to go on any rides with you.
  11. and probably NEVER backing down at that.
  12. Your first step is going to update both your sound and your video drivers to make sure you don't have a problem after that. You also want to make sure it just isn't the video player causing the issue due to something like buffering.
  13. They aren't the only station either. I was reading an article the other day that talked about a few in some large areas (LA, DC,...) that had planned to stop as well. It's complete BS. If they want to pull it after he's been found guilty so be it.
  14. Wonder why they went with the ABS option on the Honda instead of without knowing this was a track only test. Nice to see the shootouts arriving.
  15. I got negative rep with the comment "Atheist"
  16. Certainly didn't make my decision any easier.
  17. The sweet sounds of the results of the office chili cook off.
  18. That's better than subsonic right? You don't have to actually have to break the sound barrier to get that affect is the point. This is one I could find I took at the last air show. Not the best example/angle but it's the only one I've taken and know where it is. Which is obviously different from: or This one may have been getting closer....
  19. Just because you see that affect it does not mean the aircraft is traveling at supersonic speeds. You can get that from aircraft, especially swept wing, traveling at transonic speeds.
  20. Except Pascal was kind of an idiot. Pascal's wager only assumes a)God or b) no God. What he over looks is a) God b) Shiva c) Zeus ... and on and on. I imagine another god might be more pissed at the person worshiping the wrong god, than the atheist who chose not to worship any based on little to no evidence. So you have a 1/upteenbajillion chance of being right or wrong. If your going to choose, you better choose the right one. "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts
  21. I can't stop laughing...damn it hurts.
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