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Everything posted by fusion

  1. That sucks. Way to pay attention...both of them.
  2. I was trying to avoid calling it that, but I agree and that was one of my first thoughts. Most foreigners do learn our language either before coming here or while here. A lot of other countries teach English as a second language in their schools since it's consider the international language for business.
  3. Yeah we already tried that one but they seem alright with us slaughtering natives for what they want.
  4. Well you're missing a point. If they are citizens here Muslim or not it's their country too. Or maybe we can take your view on things to the level some may prefer and say if you aren't of English decent GTFO.
  5. Yeah I know he was born in Austria that wasn't the point.
  6. Agreeing to disagree is fine and is often the best course. I'll just have to remain confused as to why someone would use the same logic for their hate as the people they hate.
  7. Yes they did. They even declared war on us. They never made landfall, but they certainly sunk ships off our east coast within view of beaches. They also had several covert entries into the US. And let's not forget the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor during the same World War. The Muslims however never have. An extremist that wanted western interference out of the middle east did and used a group of easily influenced young men to do it.
  8. Or Hitler. He was German right? The Holocaust killed how many? There are Nazi parties still. You should avoid Germans as well just in case. Who knows to what extent they take things next time...
  9. I'm not talking diversity and sensitivity classes from a company. I work in Technology and Management Consulting (IT) and deal with people all over the world; I too have taken many of those classes. I'm talking a real college level course where you actually study it. You may not want to believe it or not but if those groups thought they could get away with it they would be committing those types of acts. There's no way Pat and Jerry (just Jerry now I guess) would come right out and say it. Shit would hit the fan and they would be gone after in a heart beat.
  10. Not meant as an insult but a statement in general. Most of your information you're being fed about Muslims is slanted and sometimes blatantly false. For example: That's not true in the least. Muslims don't hate Americans in general. You're letting radical views of a minority slant your view of the majority. That would be a generalization of a group, a stereotype, a logical fallacy. That would be like lumping all Christians with those that bomb abortion clinics, Fred Phelps, and those who act out of hate against other groups. Guess what. There are radical Christian groups that hate you too. There are radical groups of all types that hate you, me and everyone else. I'm not going to lower myself to their level and stereotype the larger group because of them. Osama used Islam and his hate for America to attack America. I think I would be a little more pissed that the hijackers were mostly Saudi IIRC. Don't know many immigrants do you? I'd recommend taking a cultural diversity class or two. I'm sure our founding fathers didn't even consider it because things change overtime. I'm also willing to bet they are rolling in their graves over comments like that. You might also want to consider the fact this country wouldn't be were it was today if it weren't for the slave labor of Africans (you know...where Somalia is) and even the Irish. People like the Chinese have given more to this country than most "whites". Ummm that doesn't make sense. They were English. They brought the language and customs with them. They promptly slaughtered the natives who had different languages and customs than them. First "slippery slope" is a fallacy. Just because one thing happens doesn't mean another will. Second...take a look around at the persecution complex and "aggressiveness" of a good number of rather large Christian groups in this country. They are constantly trying to assert their views and beliefs into everyone else's lives and the government. They do it through school boards and politics. They are more than willing to shit on the constitution in a moments notice. I believe they would even become violent in a heartbeat if they could. They can't though, because American society would stomp a hole in them for it.
  11. Labor Day is no longer a PAID holiday at that plant. It was replaced with the new one.
  12. Yeah there are definitely quite a few over there as well. Last time I was in London though there was no where near the number you find here. Over the years though I think areas especially in western Europe are Americanizing and catching up. I had a friend come back 5 months ago from spending a couple of years in the Philippines, China, Japan and South Korea; one of his first comments was about how fat Americans were. Area's all along the Caribbean have large populations of low incomes and you don't see fat people wandering the streets there like you do here. Economics is a casual excuse for people being fat. Even in higher income areas a majority seem to be overweight it's just a lower percentage than other areas. Here it is for you...eat less, be less fat. Proven over and over and over. Exercise with that will let you be even less fat.
  13. I'd be right there with you on that one if American didn't also end that way. After my trip to King's Island and a visit to the water park, Boomerang Bay, this weekend... I'm going to pass on that one. An easy 80% of the people there were definitely over weight...and they didn't care. *shivers*
  14. No if we are going after bananas I'm going to Costa Rica. It's gorgeous down there, the weather is perfect and the women are hot.
  15. You realize one of the founding principals of our government is protecting the minority from the majority right? Majority rules does not work. That's why we're not a pure democracy and we have that little thing called a constitution. What does them being Muslim have to do with anything? Would it be different if they were Christian? You do realize there have been MILLIONS of Muslims in the US since before 9/11 don't you? I'm betting that like a lot of others it became an issue when you started to believe what morons like those at Fox News and other sources wanted you to believe. Welcome to being someone's tool.
  16. I was just giving you crap. It's all too easy for people online to never give in to having been wrong so it's rare to see it.
  17. No way! Someone on the internet did not just admit they were wrong!
  18. This is closer to accurate. As far as I recall we did help the British. It was the Taliban we put in power.
  19. Oh don't forget the 3 crusades and millions slaughtered.
  20. A lot of Muslims were born here. I'm not sure what, "...I also don't celebrate any belief outside the USA" is supposed to mean. I'm thinking you are operating off a false premise.
  21. Sorry I forgot you were a native. Love the casino's btw.
  22. I didn't realize a single Tyson's chicken plant was our nation. You mad because they switched a paid holiday (Labor Day) at a single plant for this or because they are Muslims?
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