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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I've always found Sheriffs to be cool. Much better experiences with them than city/town cops.
  2. I think it's a personal preference thing. My wife and I are more than secure in our relationship that something like that would never come between us if something bad where to happen. Sometimes fun is just fun.
  3. yeah $4 sq ft is definitely a good deal especially at what he describes. 720dpi, UV, blah... I've seen smaller go for much more.
  4. She wouldn't even have to be naked..
  5. looks like both feet are up and the stand is down.
  6. I agree some research into this is definitely in order.
  7. Fair enough as long as you still love him... on a lighter note... Did you know Kawasaki, Japan is home to the Festival of the Street Phallus?
  8. OK now my curiosity about this is sparked... what if you have a son and one day he comes out and tells you he's gay?
  9. Hahahaha I've resisted replying with longer posts to wait and see if he is going to post in threads like this.
  10. Ideas, ideas, ideas.... I think I'm going to enjoy my trip to Sam's Club with the wife this week.
  11. I don't think you're a hater at all lol. I'm just questioning a few statements. For it to be 100% natural doesn't have to include child rearing. Using that mindset would lead to that it's not natural to have sex for anything other than child rearing. As for 100% same sex partners, what you're using is a perfectionist fallacy, all or nothing sort of thing. Things just don't work like that. There are very few (if any at all) absolutes. Just because not every member of a species doesn't do it doesn't make it not natural. If that were the case most things humans (to include you and I both) do would be considered completely unnatural. Of course I'm pretty sure I've done some completely unnatural things in my years.
  12. Just trying to do my part. Remember: Marriage isn't a commitment, it's a life sentence.
  13. I guess that means you chose to be straight. I'm confused by your, "Is it something "natural", not really." statement. I'm not sure where people get this stuff. I'm imagining it more lies in that people ignore things they can't understand or don't like. "It" has been shown to be biologically natural and observed to occur in a number of various species outside of humans.
  14. Just when I didn't think this could get any funnier.
  15. Married women just turn even more crazy...
  16. fusion


    I think he got wood...
  17. Hope you didn't like the movie 300. You know the Spartan men were a tad gay right?
  18. Glad to hear you made it back ok. Worse come to worse though you could have tossed that lil Ninja over your shoulder and hoofed it or strapped it to the back of your sheep and hauled it that way.
  19. ...which doesn't apply to private property. Otherwise you would be taking freedoms away. Just like the first amendment doesn't apply to this site. Ben could censor speech all day here if he wanted to and be well within his rights. It's not a thorough background check, it's cursory. Full background checks are expensive. Not having gotten arrested does not equal mentally stable or law abiding...just means you haven't been caught. Unfortunately the 2nd Amendment isn't as clear as it needs to be. Of course there's no way for Madison to have known just how many interpretations there could be to his writings. For what it's worth I'm actually thinking of getting a CCW myself since it's available, have owned wepaons in the past and was around them constantly growing up.
  20. Yeah wouldn't want a privately owned business or an individual to be able to tell you that you can't bring a weapon in their building or on their property.
  21. You do realize it's a natural occurrence that has be even studied in the wild amongst animals such as dolphins, horses and canines right?
  22. Ah ok. Yeah alliances like this make good business sense most of the time.
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