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Everything posted by fusion

  1. My wife got the 650r as her first bike and it seriously has no balls. I can't imagine riding the 250r. I'm thinking about riding the 650 for about 200-300 miles or so to see if it really has anything in there or not. If it just continues to lack any get up and go I think I'm going to have her trade it towards an '08 600RR or F4i.
  2. That's the way I am. If I see someone toss something out their window I pull up beside them and just start shaking my head and give them the I'm disgusted look. The rule in our house is if you aren't in the room you turn it off. We also do a couple of other small things like short showers and not leaving the water running when shaving or doing the dishes. I wouldn't say it does nothing. If millions and millions did actually turn off their power the would be a minor short lived affect. Mostly though the affect is awareness. If they didn't stage Earth Hour we would be talking about something else like Iraq, presidential nominations or Benyen's sheep fetish.
  3. I wouldn't write Serra off. He's been around a long while and knows his stuff. He's just not much of a finisher though and as he gets older that will cause him some problems. I'm a fan of both fighters, I would be happy to see either win. As for Shamrock's ground game...meh. I think Cung le is good enough to neutralize it long enough for a stand up. MMA fighters these days need to pull their heads out and start becoming better strikers standing and on the ground. It doesn't take long to start learning how to keep a submission artist at bay, of course getting to that point is painful. Grappling you have the benefit of contact and control, striking takes a ton more training to be as good.
  4. That's when I'm hoping to make my first. The sooner the better though.
  5. I was just thinking the same thing. If I could afford to have both I would be a happy man.
  6. Yeah with some it's hard to tell. There were too many periods of countries being occupied and forbidden to practice any kind of martial art. Certainly any art that at least tries to absorb practices by another in order to improve is at least making an attempt at being a good art. Martial arts are like software applications, it often takes a good amount time and many versions before they even start to get it right.
  7. He's Vietnamese. They are born knowing martial arts. Just like all Chinese know kung fu.
  8. Looks like they cleared them out from where I threw them. I'm gonna have to go Christina hunting and get some more pics up.
  9. That ones pretty cool. My African Grey only like to screw with the dog by calling it all the time and saying "Hey asshole!" everytime I walked in the room.
  10. yeah I'm bored out of my skull at the moment
  11. ...600rr.net is definitely a great site. I'm in Centerville too and have ridden with Speed a while back.
  12. Haven't been to a trackday before or done this to a bike, but I remember seeing a post about this on 600rr.net a while back. Not sure how valuable these are, but here are some links from there. http://www.rc51.org/wire1.htm http://www.whizwheels.com/Tips/safetywiring.html http://www.emra.ca/Tech%20Tips/Tech%20Tips.htm http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0002_hand/index.html
  13. Definitely find your in with local camps and local shows and go from there. Down here we already have a ton of pros and whatnot so everyone either promotes themselves, has their trainer promote them or their trainer's manager promotes then.
  14. Well there is a sheep in your avatar. I think you may have bonus points lurking somewhere in your past.
  15. Hahahaha yeah maybe a little. It's been one of those days. I watched it again and then went back and watched the fight a couple of times. Mir doesn't indicate being in trouble at all in the interview. Even after going to the ground the second time Mir was moving real well and most of the shots Lesner was dropping were at least getting partially blocked. The ones that did get through didn't seem to saze him at all. If I'm not shooting it maybe we can all make the next Ohio UFC.
  16. I think you misread what I wrote. I said, "There are a ton of MMA fighters (pro and am) grinding away in smaller venues all over the US who would love to have a shot at contract with EliteXC, HDNet, WEC, IFL, UFC..." I know well how fighters come up. I was second (cornered) just this weekend for a fighter at the OXF show here in Dayton. These fighters can spend a good number of fights traveling from local venue to local venue. I don't think anyone is saying throw Kimbo at a top ranked fighter, we're saying don't throw him up against people that have no chance of beating him. Mercer isn't an MMA fighter, he's a boxer. Tank is a street brawler that never really had a chance of beating anyone decent, just look at his record. If they are going to bill Kimbo the way they do he needs to prove it against real fighters and not cans. I'm talking his camp and EliteXC, not the press. Just go to the EliteXC home page and look at the that little row of fighters and if you know anything about MMA or fighting in general you know he doesn't deserve to be in that company. There's no way Mir was close to being finished. He didn't even looked dazed when getting hit. Lesner is big but that doesn't mean he hits hard. Even striking from a "dominant" position Lesner's striking was crappy. I don't think Mir even had hardly a mark on him after that fight. Yeah it's fun talking MMA and bikes in one forum. I don't think anyone is gonna get all pissy at anyone. I like GSP, but Serra is way too entertaining for me not to want to see win.
  17. I say throw him under the bus. He's an internet made Pro. I went looking for his amateur record when I saw his first pro fight announced with EliteXC and couldn't find anything. There are a ton of MMA fighters (pro and am) grinding away in smaller venues all over the US who would love to have a shot at contract with EliteXC, HDNet, WEC, IFL, UFC... If he's good enough to go pro on that level, he's good enough to be put to the test early. Bas is great and I hope he can do well with Kimbo, but in no way should he have the chances he has now. Last time I looked he had billing OVER Lawler for the CBS premier and that's just plain disrespectful. Kimbo hasn't even earned the right to be called a pro. Lesner will be handed a can so the UFC can help keep their investment up. I'm almost willing to bet they thought Mir still didn't have it in him since his return to fighting and were caught off guard by the first round finish. Apparently Kurt Angle has been training MMA somewhere so don't be surprised to see him pop up somewhere next.
  18. That's why I think he shouldn't be on CBS's premier, but I think they want to draw on the less informed crowd. Robbie Lawler I think is fighting that night also is one reason I'm watching. The other reason being to support the sport on a major network.
  19. One of the former owners of Throwdown broke off and started it and I think MayheM is a partner. Most of these companies are started by fighters, camps or people associated with one of the two. It was cool the first 10 or so I saw I guess, after that they just all became another line. Some of them do put out some cool gear though.
  20. Yeah May 31 EliteXC. It's cool to see MMA get that kind of exposure on a network like CBS.
  21. lol Don't know about FTW. Just another friggin MMA clothing company sponsoring people. Getting Bas is cool, signing Kimbo is gay. I guess they have the whole spectrum covered at this point. I think I have one of their shirts around here somewhere so I guess I can't talk too much shit.
  22. Nope. I added it all quickly,but if you did EVERYTHING the total is around 1100. That leaves plenty of room.
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