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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Silly catholics. Churches are a tool for growth and control. Every business wants a large customer base.
  2. Yeah his response was pretty good. Much, much better than her move to use that to pull in more support I think. It may even backfire a bit for her now. The media is eating up just how easily he handed her her ass on this one.
  3. Yeah should be legal. Talk about yet another victimless crime. There are just way too many things the government needs to stay out of and let people work out on their own. Hey Nick -- that avatar from Bleach?
  4. Yeah that's plain crazy as in he can get into deep shiat crazy. The FAA and USPA frown on crap like that. Cool to watch though.
  5. Yeah that's one of my favorites. He's lucky that's all that happened to him. He claimed to have a grenade on him. A lot of places would have put a bullet in him once they saw his hands clear.
  6. You know you guys are right. They should let people just run when they are on a motorcycle. Sure the cops didn't know why he ran over something silly like a running a red light. Here's to hoping he wasn't high, drunk, wanted for rape, murder, child molestation... Sure the rider immediately put himself, his passenger and the general public in danger by racing away, passing other cars dangerously and blowing through intersections at a high rate of speed. But come one...he's on a motorcycle and we need to make sure little Timmy doesn't hurt himself. They should deploy a special squad that can go to his house (if he can be located) and sit down with him, hold his hand and explain to him why running from the police is bad, bad, bad. They need to make sure they Timmy knows that in this country that you don't have to be responsible for your actions anymore and it's always someone else's fault if something bad happens because you made a bad decision. They can have cookies and milk and laugh the afternoon away... Idiots.
  7. You fighting currently anywhere?
  8. Actually it looks like the officer was setting up some sort of a road block and got there late. Pulled into the other lane and was turning back as the rider attempted to go around him. The officer doesn't look like he was plowing intentionally into the rider head on. He didn't get cut off because of a traffic violation, he was getting chased because he was evading police. What kind of dumbass runs because he ran a red light? the same type that deserves to get his ass handed to him for not stopping for police. The rider is responsible for the passenger not the police. It was his choice to run and put the passenger and others on and around the streets in danger.
  9. Clerks have shot would be robbers without CCW and the gun being under the counter as protection for the premises many times in the past. There are areas I've been where it's been common practice for a clerk to have a weapon on them or under the counter because of the amount of crime and it's common for some business to be held up. How about a link where the person is separated from a normal environment where a weapon might exist to begin with, like grocery shopping, walking to a bus stop, ...
  10. Turn on the news and you can see that everyday people can't protect themselves. Having a gun doesn't make you any more able to defend yourself. It just gives you a tool to do so. If I'm a "bad guy" and I come after you I'm not giving you time to draw your weapon. A police officer can get taken out by the guy standing in front of him with his weapon(s) on his hip and he is trained considerably more than even someone with a 12 hour course and a CCW. Situational awareness is the key to avoiding those situations or keeping them from getting to an escalated point. It's after that or when it's unavoidable that we're talking about. You provided the name Lott and I provided a link that provided material discrediting him. Including admission by the co-author of the study Lott used that it was flawed. "Mustard was deposed under oath in the Ohio concealed handgun case Klein v. Leis. Mustard admitted that: 1) the study "omitted variables" which could explain that changes in the crime rate are due to reasons other than changes in CCW laws, and 2) the study did not account for many of the major factors that Mustard believes affect crime including crack cocaine, wealth, drugs and alcohol use, and police practices such as community policing"
  11. Fantastic. Then you'll have no problem providing us links to support that claim of a direct link between the two where a decrease can't be explained by other things. Correlation doesn't equal causation. My second assertion isn't incorrect. We're talking personal protection and self defense under conceal carry conditions. I think it's pretty friggin obvious to say you can defend yourself with a gun in general. I could defend myself with a damn spoon under more than a few conditions, but that doesn't mean when should start passing laws that everyone carry and train to defend themselves with spoons. Of course everyone knows the spork is far superior. Just so we're clear, I have no problem with conceal carry in general and am getting my CCW this spring once a friend of mine starts his courses. I have a problem with misrepresented stats. Oh yeah, Lott.... http://www.bradycampaign.org/facts/issues/?page=lott Sure it's from the Brady site but at least I provided a link.
  12. Or maybe more criminals will feel the need to shoot first and steal later instead of your standard hold up or mugging if they think everyone might have a weapon. Desperate people do stupid things. Gun or not very few people would be able to actually protect themselves in the off chance someone attacked them. One reason is a good number of people don't react quite the same as one would think even when they practice or train. Another is the person attacking already has their weapon handy and will act if they think you are going after yours. This ain't the movies Quick Draw McGraw.
  13. A hardtail has no rear suspension and a softtail does. You'll see a lot of softtails though that are designed to hide it so they look like a hardtail. I just had this discussion with about 7 Harley guys on Sunday. I told them I still believe it's a code for their Harley induced gheyness.
  14. ^^^Yeah what he said.
  15. Very nice, very nice brother. You'll have to let me take some pics for you when things warm up a bit.
  16. I had a 700w and the guy in the cube next to me has a 700p. Had it since the release date until about a month ago and had no issues with reception or any real issues of any kind really.
  17. Nope. Just a statement in general.
  18. Most Republicans seem to get their politics from losers like Limbaugh and Hannity so you really can't expect anything but needless, uneducated slamming, devoid of facts from the right. I'm not saying Dems don't do the same, but that seems to be the primary tactic of most on the right.
  19. Bah. I know plenty of poor farmers, white trash, and good ol' boy rednecks that vote religiously Republican. Doesn't mean or say much though. Libertarianism is a nice idea, but it doesn't work. It assumes that people have a certain level of personal responsibility and respect for another's rights. In the US know one seems to want to take responsibility for their own actions and there are far too many that are way too eager to force their beliefs and morals on others.
  20. Well IQ doesn't equal smart and I would say that anyone that voted for Kerry or Bush probably isn't very smart.
  21. Why that'd be like a hen line dancing in swimming pool filled with lemonade.
  22. That sucks. Wonder why that isn't a recall item.
  23. http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/4634/oj3rdc7hk.jpg
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