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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Glad it just isn't me. I was honestly wondering if my view was just a bit biased by being a sportbike rider myself.
  2. I don't know if it's just me (or this area), but it seems that this year anyway there seems to be more reports on the news of cruiser/standard type bikes involved in accidents than sportbikes.
  3. People need to go back and fix their posts.
  4. I actually think the point is the extent of damages. Say you aren't wearing a seat belt (and by law you are required to wear one), but I cause the accident. During the accident however you are eject from the vehicle striking a near by pole and die. If it can be reasonably proven that you would have survived had you been following the law, I can't be held liable for manslaughter. You basically have "dirty hands". The insurance companies look at it similarly I think. You weren't doing what you are supposed when operating the vehicle we aren't giving you shit beyond what would need to be covered had you been wearing your belt... Of course I could be wrong.
  5. fusion

    My Rant

    Woohooo late to the thread! 1) Yeah the helmet thing is stupid. I'm betting their mom made them put it on before they left and they took it off when they got around the corner. 2) As been already said, a squid is not a new rider. A squid is anyone who rides a Kawi. Really though, a squid are the idiots under dressed and lacking any real common sense while on the streets. I've also heard the term referred to in racing also...squirly kid - squid. 3) I wave to everyone on two wheels. I let scooter riders initiate though, but I'll gladly wave back. If someone doesn't wave back when they obviously saw me and where able too...I don't let it bother me. They are obviously a complete asshole.
  6. Is there a cop sitting there everytime you see this happening? You're suggesting a sign saying there's a new sign?
  7. Not yet I'm going to email again tomorrow.
  8. I hate new signs or signal changes. It always takes a few to get used to. Of course at some point they have to start giving tickets for disobeying a traffic sign.
  9. Yeah I'm really going to have to see pics of this chica before I can form a real opinion on this one way or another. I'll need all angles and remember clothes just get in the way. k? thx!
  10. Hey buddy don't come into the damn thread sounding all level headed and reasonable!
  11. Yeah some of it got carried away. Always up for a debate though. I think in this case it's definitely gone way OT. Thanks.
  12. I was following that trail too, but it states that, "other protective eye device shall conform with regulations prescribed and promulgated by the director of public safety". That means there has to be an document published stating what those are. I still can't find anything about windshields other than what's the FAQs. I sent them an email...I'm curious now.
  13. Which site? I've seen a couple that are like FAQ type PDFs, but I haven't seen one that is like the Ohio MV Laws handbook or one that references a specific code.
  14. You know what, my GED comment was uncalled for. I take that back. Now for the rest. See if we can keep this civil. First...you never asked me for a study. I responded to a post where you are saying there are no credible studies saying second hand smoke is harmful and claiming a study that there has been no decrease in cancer in CA among workers there. I was merely asking for a study you do find credible then. my personal example was stating it doesn't take a study to show it has an affect. Of course it would take a good study show just what the affects are over time. Unfortunately we can't human test these days. Second, yeah I have a degree too. I don't find that amazing in it's self. Everyone I work with has varying degrees. Grew up a military brat and did a stint in the AF for four years for no other reason, but to serve my country before starting my career. I've lived in 6 states because of that. What are counting as countries? Farthest has been England. We aren't counting Mexico and Canada are we? Most of the places I have been are in Central America; Costa Rica, Panama, Belize...a ton of islands.
  15. Yeah that seems copy and paste from the same source as the site. I am curious about where that windshield bit comes from since I can't find it referenced anywhere. Fair enough, truce. i withdraw my statement form the other thread as well....
  16. OK and the "Digest of Ohio Motor Vehicle Laws" linked on the same page does NOT say that and the LAW does NOT say that. I don't think I'll be relying on this FAQ page. I will however be more than happy to email them and see why this page conflicts with the handbook and actual law. If they can point me to some revised code or something that provides for the exception I'll happily admit I'm wrong.
  17. I don't know. You pretty much started in with the picture books and "zombie-government-worshipping hackness" comment. I'm still not sure hackness is a word. I'm sorry if hurt your feeling by starting off complaining about your single paragraph post.
  18. First I appreciate the things the AMA has done for riders. Doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. Second... here's the link to to the codes http://codes.ohio.gov/. Only took a minute to find. Here's the the direct link (http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.53) since you seem to be a bit lazy. Like I said feel free to find something that includes windshields as an exception. Until then...yeah you're stupid. Again I'm not sure why I'm considered up the gov'ts ass for agreeing that the officer wasn't out of line. Try backing your statements with something more than blind hate for law or authority. You sound like an ass.
  19. Tell you what. You've already proven to be not very bright. Why don't YOU provide evidence that contradicts studies that disagree with you? I'll be waiting for links..thanks. Freedom stops at the person next to you. I'm betting you're pretty damn young and haven't experienced much. If you're older...you need to get out more..might want to start with actually getting your GED or something.
  20. damn it I'm having fun and getting my post count up at the same time.
  21. You're just fucking stupid. 1) Hassling would have been pulling him over, because he had his visor up while sitting at the light. Following the spirit of the law, the officer seems to have pulled him over after the rider didn't lower his visor immediately before/after accelerating. I guess you're suggesting stuff can't fly into your eyes during the magical space in between lights. 2) If you're going to make the stupid comment, "As for the previous post. The BMV doesn't note it but on the Ohio law it says "unless a wind screen is present"." you might want to reread my post that says, "Actually after looking at the Ohio State Law under 4511 and what the DMV says...". You might also want to actually look things up instead of being a sheep and believing what's easiest for you. If you want to find the law that contradicts this one go ahead...let me help you out. "4511.53 Operation of bicycles, motorcycles and snowmobiles." (section b, 5th paragraph) "No person shall operate or be a passenger on a snowmobile or motorcycle without using safety glasses or other protective eye device. No person who is under the age of eighteen years, or who holds a motorcycle operator’s endorsement or license bearing a “novice†designation that is currently in effect as provided in section 4507.13 of the Revised Code, shall operate a motorcycle on a highway, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on the person’s head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet. The helmet, safety glasses, or other protective eye device shall conform with regulations prescribed and promulgated by the director of public safety. The provisions of this paragraph or a violation thereof shall not be used in the trial of any civil action."
  22. I'm not sure this is true. Hell I know people who live people who smoke that have developed a smokers cough. Sure it's their choice, but to suggest there is zero evidence that second hand smoke can cause illnesses that lead to death is plain retarded. What about people that work in these establishments daily who aren't smokers? errrr Politicians do make the laws. They are elected by the people to represent them. You don't like what's going on, you do what the rest of do and call our reps and vote for someone new.
  23. I never suggested they follow the letter of the law. As a matter of fact, I suggested the spirit of the law be followed. I even gave an example of that, "Had he pulled the guy over for merely lifting his visor to talk to his buddy at a light, then he would have been an asshole." I'm not sure I have any idea WTF you are talking about at this point.
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