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Everything posted by fusion

  1. The fact that there are sooo many fucking stupid people in the US is why Libertarianism will never work.
  2. I was dying. Kid was just nuts.
  3. Mainstream rap doesn't take any talent so you're partially right. However, country requires zero talent, a completely vertical family tree, a sister you can marry and a low IQ.
  4. Vid contains nsfw language.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiqsbPlopUo
  5. Congrats! Looks real nice man. Can't wait to see it in person when the weather clears.
  6. Those flames are Other than that it's pretty damn cool.
  7. Here's some photos I've posted here before of my CBR and the wife's Kawi...and no I still haven't done the front wheel yet.
  8. http://www.modplug.com/ This is what he used.
  9. No job = cut them off + let them suffer I might make exception for a true disability...might.
  10. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    Maybe a snack and fast food tax. Bump the taxes on candy, twinkies, McDs as a luxury type tax. Sure I hate more taxes as much as anyone, but it forces people to pay more for eating unhealthy. Make the extra tax low enough that it doesn't affect the occasional consumer much but would definitely have an impact on those that partake in them regularly.
  11. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    I think we can all agree there are definitely cases where the person can't help the state they are in. Any more though it seems to be the exception rather than the rule when you see someone in these carts.
  12. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    I was bitching about this just the other day. Fat is not a handicap. Out grocery shopping I've seen some lard-ass park in handcap parking taking up the last spot just to have a guy with an older gentleman (dad and son maybe) that looked like he was at least 80 park out a bit further. The younger guy helped the older one out of the car and guided him and his WALKER across the lot. Lard ass? He hopped down out of big ass truck, meandered to a scooter that was left out and rode it in.
  13. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    Man that's crazy. I can understand circumstances that cause people to put on pounds or make it harder to cut weight, but damn just flat accepting it's ok to be 5' and 300lbs is disgusting. We used to have patients come in all the time and complain about the doctor keep sending them for xrays (MRIs, CTs...). Basically it's the doctor getting them out of the office so they can stop hearing them bitch about their knees and back after telling them a hundreds times it's because they are too heavy and need to lose weight. They just won't believe it and/or aren't willing to do anything about it.
  14. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    I thought that until my short stint in the medical field. I also can't stand parents who allow their children to develop the same poor habits. Fat people don't only affect themselves.
  15. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    Actually there really aren't that many cases of people with thyroid issues in relation to the number of fat people there are. You'll definitely hear people tell you all the time they have thyroid problems though. I always ask, "Oh wow that sucks. Which medication are you on?" The look on their face is priceless. If you have a true diagnosed thyroid issue you're almost guaranteed to be on a medication because of it.
  16. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    Best part is they run slow.
  17. Yup suck it dumb asses. You got what you deserved. Hopefully none them bred too much before this. The only people I feel bad for are the innocent people in the crown vic and the truck that came along and didn't expect all that.
  18. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    We get to that point and there won't be many fat people left unless they are wealthy. Sparse food becomes expensive and if rationing kicks in it's easy to see who's been cheating.
  19. fusion

    Anti-Fat Towns

    http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article3386817.ece OK so more like an idea of anti-obesity environments. Still doesn't solve the problem of there being almost zero personal responsibility any more. McDonald's made me stuff all 4 quarter pounders down my gullet! I had a diet coke though!
  20. Sounds like they were having a bit of training fun. We do far worse. It doesn't read like they actually violated our airspace like they did Japan's though.
  21. We see this sort of thing come up daily in the photography community. We'll have to agree to disagree. If you want to have a friendly debate about it shoot me a PM. It could be a fun discussion. /threadjack I think Spies will do pretty well too considering he may only be running twice.
  22. Sorry, but I don't think the guy can do anything no matter his disclaimer. The original link is included in the OP and only a portion of the article was copied for comment. This is covered as fair use under section 107 of Copyright Law.
  23. I need to work on replacing a couple of little things on the bike before anything else. I came home a few weeks ago, open the garage and see my bike down on top of my son's dirtbike. Nothing major broke, but what a pain.
  24. I'm definitely up for a trip up there. I'm hoping to have more time to ride this year.
  25. Real cool. Hopefully I'll get out on a few more rides this year.
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