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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Shame on you Casper...... IIRC Funny none the less though.
  2. 2 black eyes and one bruised rib? I keed as well.....
  3. What kinda car was this BTW? Sucks you drove that far only to have it sold.
  4. Hopefully our counter runs out of digits like the debt clock did.
  5. I might go up to watch this epic battle if I am not doing anything.
  6. I would still trade him in...... in my professional unbiased opinion. That one's free.... The next tidbit you have to pay for....
  7. Pics look good Zorro. Looks like you guys had a good time.
  8. Sucks to hear, glad you are ok.
  9. ^ The emblem on his shoes is bright as fuck! We wouldn't have had a problem finding his ass if he got lost in the woods.
  10. LMAO. Careful, or you will be dead to him and his "framily" as well.
  11. LOL, nice fail pic Putty. Why do you always assume the Pedro is behind any attack on the Putty?
  12. Nice highlights Putty.....
  13. LOL. He's beyond help at this point. Trust me.
  14. Photoshop is a beautiful thing........ How long did it take you to put that together?
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