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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. You've put some thought into this huh?
  2. Sorry to hear that Kawi. I hate thieves with a passion. Sucks to work hard for your shit and then have someone take it, regardless of the value.
  3. LOL. I wonder how long it took him to fall asleep after that....
  4. The smell of vomit seems like it never goes away. I would clean it up as best as possible and get the inside of the car detailed.
  5. Yikes, speed cameras there too now?
  6. user cp< edit options and then under the Thread Display Options
  7. I think they should have a expiration date as well. . I kid I kid...
  8. Sweet. The Pedro and the Warcock will have to hook up (no homo) one of these days. I should be back on the bike in a week at the most if I'm lucky.

  9. I never expected to hear this from you Mr. Anderson..... I expected this from the women...
  10. Never got that autograph Johnny Rock........ :dunno:

  11. A 5X has to be huge, I can't imagine them running that small.
  12. hmm.... I see what you did here......
  13. Somewhat.... There about 10,000 employees there.. IDK about the rest of the numbers.
  14. A few of my personal favorites... "They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008 "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."
  15. I'm a fan because she still finds time to read all of those magazines... "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."
  16. Nothing surprises me anymore with this Putty guy......
  17. LMAO. Sorta like Chuck Norris?
  18. ^ LOL. Nice pic. I would have looked too.....
  19. LOL. Who is she? The guy on his left is guilty too....
  20. I knew this ride was a dick measuring contest!!! MJ's and Chickon2's post just proved it.
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