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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Lol, I'll watch my six next time I am in there. It looks like someone else tried to kill themselves at Targetworld as well in 2007 if I am reading this story correctly. http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/AB/20090727/NEWS0107/307270010/ I remember reading about that Florida mom and son story as well.
  2. I've been meaning to take my mom to that range but I always forget whenever I am in Cincy. It's a pretty big store and range. If I'm not mistaken someone else killed themselves there on purpose as well not too long ago.
  3. Sad story but everyone should wear gear, not just Harley riders.
  4. Cheech, I would be willing to let you borrow my front and rear stands as well. Let me know if you need them.
  5. Looks like a nice ride, I can't wait until I can get back on my bike.
  6. Sorry to hear this news Fonzie. I hope he pulls through, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  7. Pedro

    Blues requests

    Me too..... Not that I wouldn't mind hearing a little Kanye there..
  8. I second what ross said... :) I was confused for a minute there.

  9. Damn that's a helluva story, glad you made it out ok.
  10. LOL, I saw that earlier today.
  11. What's with this ASS fascination with you? First you stick your head up horse's ass and now this...... j/k Congrats on the certification flat fish.
  12. I like this one. (843): happy early fathers day!!! (829): im not a father (843): about that... I guess it's better to hear news like that over text instead of on the Maury show. and this one. (816): normally I beat off every night before I go to bed even though my little brother sleeps in the same room. So I was starting to last night, and he jumped out of bed and said "Fuck, Im not listening to this shit again" We havent talked since. fuck me
  13. Just ask them how much it is to just put the tip in and then negotiate from there. You welcome..
  14. I'll drink to that. I still had a decent time but it definitely was not the same as years before.
  15. You sir are correct, which is why the receipt says "store copy" or "customer copy." I still chuckle whenever I see the video though.
  16. Pedro

    New car

    Yup, true story. That's on the same level as the Rick James skits.
  17. Nice pics. I'll post my pics later.
  18. Yeah, I saw him sneak through with a chick in Kawasaki gear. He was in street clothes right?
  19. Damn, I'm kinda embarassed to post my digi cam pics from Mid O now. Thanks Hailwood.
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