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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. and I did feel bad when I wrecked that kid and he started crying like a 4th grader! o wait...I guess he was in 4th grade! "let no bastard under driving age beat you in the game of wheels" :lol:

    Man, those little kids were driving like there was prize money at the end. :lol: I passed a few of them... and got passed by them too. All in all it was a good time.

  2. i called em for a quote , they are covering again . but not a good enough deal . 25/50 k full coverage was $2,300.00 on a 09 r1 . 36 no tickets in 5 years one no fault accident .

    think if i buy a new horse ill try that riders insurance.

    Their rates have gotten better but it still isn't even close to what I am paying with a competitor. In 2006 Nationwide quoted me 8200 bucks a year for full coverage with state mininums. In 2007 I received a quote for around 4000 bucks and this past spring they gave me a quote for 2300. I have no accidents or tickets ever and I am 29.

  3. i was a nationwide customer for over 10 years , when i bought a 2004 Yamaha R1 that they said they can not insure because they quit covering R type Sport Bike motorcycles. i was forced to take a loss on it and recover old bike after having it for 3 days. they cover motorcycles , but unless things have changed again . they quit covering R types. they did have my bike insured and would have insured any non r type. And with a good driving record no tickets in last three years . One no fault accident ... i was quoted 4,200 a year yesterday from esurance , and about the same from state farms on a 2009 R 1.

    so i looked at older models , 1,200 a year for a 2000

    Found one thats decent priced $998.00 for full coverage state min. on a 2009 r1 http://www.ridewithrider.com/

    Yeah, I know for sure they write sportbikes. I have received quotes from them the last few years.

  4. And this pic deserves a post all by itself. This was snapped right after Whodey passed some little kid at Magic Mountain. "Rubbin is racing....." LMAO


    And one more for good measure.....


    We had a blast on this photo hunt. It was Whodey, Attack Painter, me, and a mystery rider.

  5. These are probably more general questions that many people here could answer, but I figured since this is already a thread for insurance questions I can post them here.

    Do you think as a 21 year old male with no accidents/tickets in the past 3 years (knock on wood) I will get owned on insurance for say a 2004 GSXR 600? Not asking for anyone to tell me how much they think my insurance would be, because I know that's impossible to do. But do you thing it will be unreasonable?

    Also with a bike that you finance, is it required to have full coverage? Only reason I ask this is because I'm not sure if medical coverage is included in what is considered "full coverage" when you have to have it because of a loan. I have health insurance and don't see the point in paying for it twice. Also what about the winter? If you have a loan and are required to have certain coverage, can you drop that down to storage coverage in the winter months?


    I would shop around. State Farm has some of the better rates that I have seen on motorcycle insurance. Med pay coverage is a separate coverage, it is not usually included in full coverage. Most agent's definition of full coverage is comprehensive and collision. I would ask them to give you a breakdown of the insurance premium so you know what all it includes and does not include.

  6. My "man magnet" BBQ pulled pork:

    (irresistible to good natured chubby hubbies)

    2 pounds of pork loin

    1 bottle of BBQ sauce (prefer Montgomery Inn)

    1 crock pot

    Chop or shred the meat. Dump the meat and the sauce into a crock pot in the morning on low heat.

    After about 6 hours, use a fork and pull the meat apart and slap it onto hamburger buns. Serve with cole slaw and fries.

    Attracts men like moths to a flame! And makes them think you worked WAY harder on it than you really did!

    This sounds good just because of the BBQ sauce.. I ate at their restaurant this weekend.

    One of my favorite crock pot recipes is pot roast. I put a roast in the crock pot, pour a can of cream of celery soup over it, add salt, pepper, and garlic powder, two cans of water, and cook on medium for four or five hours.

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