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Posts posted by Pedro


    Oh right... that only hurts people that DON'T plan on breaking the law...

    Why are you whispering?:D

    I agree with you, criminals ignore or bypass most gun laws.

  2. the rider is my buddy's brothers cousin..

    high rate of speed ~140 mph. I dont know much anything else, aside from the fact that his injuries are notlife-threating (last i heard). I came thru there 2 hours prior

    Wow, he hit a car above 100 MPH and he didn't have any life threatening injuries? :eek: He's lucky to be alive.

  3. Thanks. Photoshop. Added an adjustment layer, desaturated, brushed the red parts with a black brush :-D

    It's one of those "oh.. duh" things, I was trying crazy things, using colored filters, cutting pieces out and making them new layers... finally one my friends goes "here, do this" and 5 minutes later it's done, been using the method ever since.

    Edit: I just looked up Color Splash, I thought it was a photo tool, didn't realise it was an iPhone app. So, no, used Photoshop.

    Cool. Thanks. I will have to try that sometime.

  4. Good ride, hope everyone got back safe.

    Glad nobody had any unpaid parking tickets after we got pulled over.

    My favorite quote was "Because you guys didn't run, I am going to give you a warning."

    Nice, nothing like a warning. This was cool of him (or her) to do that.

  5. I have an article from Performance Bikes (Circa Oct. 2007) which opens with something like: "Every sportbike enthusiast has considered owning an SP-1 or SP-2 at some point."

    However RC owners get a lot of flack on the message boards. I think that it's the Kirstie Alley effect: Secretly you'd ride it/her, but you don't want your mates to know that you enjoy being on a pig. So they run out and scoop up a Paris Hilton: The Suziki GSX-R 1K... ALWAYS seen in the streets, and ridden hard by the masses!

    BTW: No dis to the named victims of my comment!

    This is bullshit!!!!! :mad:


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