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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Bornsinner and his group were the winners of the game.
  2. Haha, we were talking about this at the anniversary party today.
  3. The stickers are available from all area Kroger stores. They are near the cigarettes, 3.50 a piece with a Kroger Plus card.... Just kidding, the stickers are free and available from the admins and moderators of the site. Satan, CBRGirl, and Bornsinner are the ones that have them. The last they spoke of them they said they were in the process of ordering more, they passed out all of the first batch. They come in different colors, I know for sure red.
  4. They don't, there running one big ass extension cord from Dayton. Two of the quotes that I like are from a movie that has popped a few times in this thread. Bornsinner and Postman both told me to watch it about a month or so ago. It's from the movie Snatch. Brick Top: Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me. Turkish: Well, do you want to do it? Mickey: That depends. Turkish: On what? Mickey: On you buying this caravan. Not the rouge one, the rose. Turkish: It's not the same caravan. Mickey: It's not the same fight. Turkish: It's twice the fucking size of the last one. Mickey: Turkish, the fight is twice the size. And me ma still needs a caravan. I like to look after me ma. It's a fair deal. Take it. Turkish: Mickey, you're lucky we aren't worm food after your last performance. Buying a tart's mobile palace is a little fucking rich. [Realizes his mistake] Turkish: I wasn't calling your mum a tart. I just meant... Mickey: Ah, save your breath for cooling your porridge. Now, look... [starts talking incoherently] Mickey: Right. And she's terribly partial to the periwinkle blue, boss. Have I made myself clear, lads? Turkish: Yeah, that's perfectly clear, Mickey. Just give me one minute to confer with my colleague. [to Tommy] Turkish: Did you understand a single word of what he just said?
  5. Will there be an apple or pear included..... Or a Juicebox, Capri Sun, or toy?
  6. Did I miss an email or something? Is the plan to meet at Applebees now? If so, which one?
  7. Well said, plus the baby said put the plants on Satan's car.
  8. Pedro


    I don't know if it did or didn't. Dark clouds moved in and there were thunderstorm watches and warnings on the tv so I said fuck it and stayed home. How many people showed up at Shell?
  9. Yeah, you guys must have been really bored... That one just didn't make sense. Maybe if you guys had left them or something it might have been funnier?? They did leave them there. They were there all night, the cleaning lady took them down off of your car the next morning. That is one of things that Mike was bitching about on Saturday when he came to the campsite. He was convinced that someone from our campsite had taken the plants down and spread them around the campsite. They were stacked on your car and then someone dumped a few in the back of some guys pick up truck.
  10. Don't worry. I will get revenge and you'll never know when it's coming... but I guarantee it'll trump you writing on my back, boxers, pillow, OSU hoodie, and tent with a permanent sharpie marker. I promise. Satan, did you notice those plants on your car at the camp site?
  11. Pedro


    I was going to go but it looked like it was going to rain right before I left my house. I thought it was going to be a washout since not too many people responded to the thread. My bad, maybe next time.
  12. Pedro


    Sounds good to me. I should be there. So is everyone cool with 7?
  13. The race was pretty good. Nice battle up front between Rossi, Stoner, and the other guys. The commentating was ok, Kevin did do a lot of correcting with the number of front and rear tires allowed and other slipups by the other host. They regular MotoGP commentators are great.
  14. The forumula 1 race should be a nice time. I have always wanted to go to one of those races. Maybe I'll get a chance next year.
  15. A possible ID10T error? Just kidding, I was having the same issue as Nick with the view more smilies one my laptop at home. It must be a setting on that PC because it works just fine on my work PC. I'll try it again on the laptop at home and see if the issue has gone away.
  16. Mike deserves more than a foot up his air. We should have taken his golf cart and did some donuts and a few burnouts.
  17. Bornsinner, nice pics. Dragknee was running around with that baby all night doing that "the baby says" quote. Still surprised that he wrote "the baby says Satan loves the cock" on Satan's back. Satan it's all the baby's fault. I think everyone had a blast. I'm surprised that we didn't get a visit from Mike the Camp counselor that night. We were up until almost 3 am running around that camp site.
  18. Did anyone take a picture of Vinnie with his Jesus piece around his neck? BTW Nice pics Bornsinner
  19. Ha, that's great. I think NinjaNick is the one that requested that pic.
  20. Look for a group of goofy people standing around bullshittin. There will be a pearl white Suzuki and a Yellow Ducati in the group.... damn..apparently i missed this! were you guys the ones in the back corner sitting around in the grass? oh well, i'll probably be there in two weeks. i'm getting a niceeeee bonus from work so hopefully i'll be on my own bike soon enough, but probably not out and about on bike night for awhile yet.. Yeah that was us back sitting on the grass. Did you walk by us?
  21. Ditto on organizing it. The whole weekend was a blast. Friday night was so crazy, can't wait until some more pics are posted. I wonder who will be the first one to find "Waldo" in the above pic?
  22. This should be interesting. I need to make sure that I adjust the DVR so I don't miss this one, i'll be out of town this weekend. I wonder if they will use the same broadcasters as Speed.
  23. Damn man sorry to hear that. Sounds like it coulda ended up worse than it did. Glad you made it out alright.
  24. Yep, we went a month ago. It was a good time, took about six hours or so to get there. Are you thinking about going?
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