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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Pedro

    My Rant

    LOL, that's funny. I wave at pretty much anybody on two wheels. If you don't wave back oh well, no sweat off my back.
  2. I don't think they sell out of Paddock Passes. They should be still available at the gate, that is where we all bought our's at last year.
  3. Will you take a post dated check? Or a trade for some magical beans???
  4. Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he has a speedy and complete recovery.
  5. a little late but Happy B-Day
  6. I don't know if I would the stomach to do this... but then again it was 750.00 dollars. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070720/ap_on_fe_st/odd_money_eating_dog;_ylt=AuHEc7esCNbxWyohg35oKLAuQE4F MENOMONIE, Wis. - Debbie Hulleman's dog Pepper has been known to gnaw on lipstick, munch on shampoo bottles and chew on toothpaste. But Pepper got Hulleman into a real mess after gobbling nearly $750. "This is probably the worst," Hulleman said Thursday, recalling how she poked through vomit and dog piles left in the yard to recover the cash. Hulleman had asked her mother in Oakdale, Minn., to take care of Pepper and Zach, the family's other dog last month while she and husband went on vacation. Pepper, an 8-year-old black Labrador-German shorthair, got into a purse belonging to her mother's friend and chewed the cash from an envelope. Hulleman's mother recovered some of the money that Pepper spit out, thinking she had it all. But when Hulleman returned from the trip and went to clean up her dogs' mess outside, she noticed a $50 bill hanging from one pile. The chore of sorting through dog feces netted about $400, the 50-year-old dog lover said. Between that and other bills that Pepper had either vomited or simply chewed on, the family recovered $647. "We have a $100 bill that can't be recovered because you need three-fourths of a bill and it is only half of a bill," Hulleman said. The family swapped the soiled money for fresh currency at a bank. "It wasn't that bad. I soaked it and strained it and rinsed it. I just kept rinsing it and rinsing it. I had rubber gloves on of course," Hulleman said. "Everyone said, 'I can't believe you did that.' Well, for $400, yeah, I would do that," she said.
  7. The pic shows for me. It's a can of Honda Spray Cleaner and Polish.
  8. Pedro

    Vintage Days

    It's the AMA Vintage Days event that is held at Mid-Ohio Racetrack in Lexington, OH. It is July 27 through the 29. You can get more info at www.midohio.com
  9. Pedro

    Qsl??? (7/18/07)

    Haha, it depends on who's asking........ If it's the boys in blue then it's a negative, all others than it's a yes.
  10. Pedro

    Qsl??? (7/18/07)

    Yeah, the group did have a bunch of Gixxers in it. Last year my temp tag blew off on the highway too, it happened right before we were about to leave to ride up to Cleveland for the weekend.
  11. Haha, that is what I was thinking. He deserved to have that happen if he buys a car like that while still living at home.
  12. Pedro

    Qsl??? (7/18/07)

    We pulled out about 7:10 or so and headed over to Quaker. We went for a ride afterwards. I missed that portion though:(. One of the guys who was riding with us, faceshield almost came off during the ride. He pulled over to fix it and I pulled over a little ways ahead to wait for him since he was from out of town. I guess he decided to just head back because he turned around after that. The main group of riders was so far ahead that I just decided to head home after that since I didn't know which turn they were going to take. It was still a good time and a nice turnout.
  13. How many beds are in the room that you booked?
  14. Ditto to that Yota. I"m taking the cage, that way I have one less thing to worry about. I'll be putting in my request for tickets shortly.
  15. Pedro

    You want some?

    If you are going to use straws might I suggest you use prostitutes, with them at the other end of the straw that pond will be drained in no time...
  16. Lol, if you can find a speck of dirt on his bike I'll buy you the Iphone. He keeps that thing spotless. It rained on the way back to Columbus with the bikes on the trailer. My bike was dirty but his was spotless. I think it's protected by the dark side of the force.
  17. Welcome to the site. I have seen a video of YW at the Gap, he really lays into those corners with that Goldwing, very impressive.
  18. Karla and Brad head down to the Gap alot. It wouldn't surprise me if both of them had the entire 318 turns committed to memory. Brad is a great rider too. Everybody had a blast at the Gap when we went. Hopefully we make it out there again at the end of the summer.
  19. It's a shame that people get away with stuff like this. That's crazy.
  20. Sounds good. I don't think she is on this board though. Her and Brad went to Deal's Gap with us in May. She's a great rider.
  21. Pedro

    You want some?

    Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian.
  22. What building is that? I work in that area too.
  23. Dang! You got shocks, pegs... lucky! You ever take it off any sweet jumps?
  24. Lol, damn Zorro. Tell us how you really feel. I have never listed to his show, usually just listen to cd's on the short ride into work.
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