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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Nice, the MotoGP Laguna Seca race is going to be even more competitive.
  2. Pedro


    Sweet, thanks.
  3. Pedro


    Is it just me or is the shoutbox gone?
  4. Sorry to hear that, hope it gets put back together soon. It was a good ride. We had a few minor setbacks on the way down there but nothing major. I had a good time.
  5. Well, I guess that is as good a reason to slow it down. Congrats and good luck with everything.
  6. I'm game for this.
  7. Pedro

    Sunday ride

    It's on Thurman Ave in German Village.
  8. He was there and did a few impressive moves. He scared the shit outta some people though. He did a few stoppies a few feet away from them during the show. They backed up a little bit and he was like "don't worry, i got insurance." It was a good time and the event was for a good cause so it was worth it.
  9. valentino was the winner, Stoner second, and Nicky Hayden third. Rossi started from the 11th pole position and made his way past Stoner with two or laps to go in the race.
  10. According to his post they already gave the info to the cops. I would assume that is how they found out about his past violations. Kent, sorry to hear about your friend, hope he makes it through without any lasting injuries.
  11. I usually do that too but it slipped my mind this time. It was a good thing I made it home at the time I did or I would have missed a comeback victory by one of my favorite riders.
  12. The race was great, I can't wait for MotoGP to come to Indy. I hope they finalize it soon. I forgot to set the DVR before I left so I missed a little bit of the beginning.
  13. I went. There were six of us that met up at QSL. There were a ton of people at QSL and AD Farrow. It was packed. There was more up there than just a stunt show, everything from vendor booths, a climbing wall, and other stuff.
  14. That's a interesting smiley.
  15. Pedro

    Sunday ride

    Thurmans is great. Our group hasn't been there in a long time, at least three or four months. Damn, your making want to stop by that place this weekend too.
  16. Here's a link, from what I skimmed over in the article there was some sort of long standing feud between the gunman's and the officers family. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/14/sports/othersports/14miller.html?ex=1336795200&en=44ce43755b4f895c&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
  17. Lol, I saw that but I was thought that was for something else. Sounds good, noon it is then.
  18. So I guess he didn't see the beware of alligators sign posted? He did all that to retrieve a golf ball?
  19. It's posted in the news section of the Starboyz website but it doesn't list a start time. Do you know what time it starts?
  20. The phone is nice but the plan is too expensive right now. I know it is packed full of features but it isn't worth the price of the phone and the plan. Maybe when the price drops. It sucks that only AT&T has the phone for the next few years. A little competition from the other wireless carriers would have the made the phone more appealing not to mention the price drop.
  21. Yeah, that is Jaron who had the 1098 at Shell a few weeks back. He is not the Sean guy though. He was telling us about one of his friends that got clocked at 167 last week when we were all at Applebee's for that picture run. That might be his friend.
  22. The thing about this group is you don't have to drink to have fun. There is always someone doing something funny. And with Meatwad and Asian both together on that trip I know it was a good time. I wish I would not have missed it either but I was sick.
  23. If he doesn't get the death penalty I would be very surprised. Given his position in the community it is almost a guarantee. At first I was going to say he may not have done it and the whole innocent until proven guilty yada yada. But then I read that article linked in the first post. If he led them to the body than I guess you don't get more guilty than that.
  24. Is that the guy you were telling us about last week Jaron?
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